Help with repair


Jan 14, 2009
Here's my problem.

This summer we had a trim tab that got messed up. It seems that the arm of the tab broke and the force of the water pulled some of the screws out of there holes. So now I have ordered new tabs and rams but was wondering about the holes. I have never worked with fiberglass before and was just wondering if I get a hair bigger screw and a bit of Marine Tex Putty on the screw will this work out ok? Will the tab hold well?

I talked to the shop and they want about $400.00 bucks to do this and it seems a tad high for my budget right now.

If I'm totally nuts please tell me straight up but if so please offer any suggestions on how I should fix this, and remember I have just basic knowledge of repairing stuff so be detailed. You tube videos or other things help well also.

Thanks for all the help,


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Help with repair

was just wondering if I get a hair bigger screw and a bit of Marine Tex Putty on the screw will this work out ok?


That'll probably work,...
I would remove All that's left on the transom,+ Fill All the holes with marine-tex....
Then redrill the holes,+ use the Right size screws...


Lieutenant Commander
May 29, 2007
Re: Help with repair

If you just plan on replacing the screws I'd probably just go with some 3M 4200. Now, the Marine Tex will fill that void completely but all must be dry and clean for it to bond.
Before you go and start filling up holes just wait and see if the new tabs align up with the existing holes. If they do the then you're good to go. If not your choice of material. Either way will work fine. I'd be tempted to go with the 4200 ( or 5200 - if you never want to remove them again ) instead of the Marine Tex. Little more ability to move around ( flex ) and spread out in the screw hole itself. Be easier to work with also.
However, Bond-o's idead of starting fresh again would be the very first choice.


Jan 14, 2009
Re: Help with repair

Thanks for the help and for telling me about the 3M stuff. Sounds a lot better and easier to use than the Tex stuff.

It lloks like if I hang out here more I might actually learn something about boats.;)


Aug 12, 2003
Re: Help with repair

both methods will require that you clean/prep the existing surface.

you're talking about holes in your boat, don't skimp out on what sounds like the easy way. if your old screw holes were ripped open, made out of shape, or enlarged in anyway...the old screws might not work so great anymore.

it's your call, depends on the condition of what you're working on. i'd go the marine-tex route. seal them up and start over with a solid surface. you'll still need to use sealant when you install the screws.

i've seen from another of your posts that this is your first boat. we've all been there, it's alot of fun. first boats sometimes don't get the care they should get. anything that is below the waterline and could let water in, needs to be dealt with seriously. not only could you get a leak that could let a large amount of water in, you could more likely get one that is so slow it kills your transom over years. same goes with the deck (floor), if you add or even just remove and replace an existing need to be careful that you use a sealant when you put it back in. i hope i don't sound preachy, small things like this can add up over years to bad things. visit the restoration section to see some threads about the effects of water intrusion on transoms and decks.

happy boating


Nov 17, 2005
Re: Help with repair

Listen to Bond-o and Salty87, if the screws were pulled out then the holes are not right, they need to be filled with Marine Tex and redrilled to the proper size, then sealed with 4200 when you put the new screws in. Another thing, the next size screw may not fit the hole in the tab mount. Don't take the chance.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 15, 2009
Re: Help with repair

I would seal up and start over with all new holes, screws, etc. Use the marine tex to fill the old holes with it is great stuff to have around. Keep whats left in your on board tool box. As mentioned above prep is very important for a good finished result. Take a drill bit that is SLIGHTLY bigger than the holes there already and carefully ream them out a bit, then take a countersink bit and slowly chamfer(angle) the outer edge of the holes \_/ then take a cotton swab and clean all very well with acetone. Follow directions on marine tex after it has cured then re=install new tabs as per instructions, if you need help post back the guys here really know there stuff. I would also use the 4200 or 5200 in the new screw holes when you install. It doesn't take much to get a transom to start to go and take it from me and tons of others that is not a job you want to do if you can avoid it. I do think $400.00 is steep I'm sure you can do it and do it right and use the $$ for other things, good luck.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 12, 2008
Re: Help with repair

Not sure I understand question? BUT if so then I would go with aluminim plates, ground down on leading edge and add another bolt hole or two. AND some adheisive.


Jan 14, 2009
Re: Help with repair

Thanks to everyone for your help. I think I'm going to give it a go and see what happens. I think I understand everything pretty well.

This is what I am taking from everything and the advice I have gotton. Please correct me if I am confused in any way.

1. Drill the holes out just a bit. Then take a little bigger bit and tapper the hole a little.
2. Use an ear swab and clean with acetone can clean the outer boat surface also.
3. Use the marine tex (Not sure which one, the stick or the other stuff you have to mix) to fill the holes. I was told that the 3m 5200 could also be used to fill the holes. Is that true?
4. Move the tab over just a bit to tap new holes into the boat.
5. Place new tab on the boat and make out holes. Drill the new holes and take a little bigger bit and sink the hole a little (so the fiberglass wont crack).
6. Place tab on with new screws (what kind, or what threads work best) that are coated with 3m 5200.
7. Let everything set up well (we'll it's winter so it will have 3 more months or so before going back into the water).
8. Crack open a nice cold beer and enjoy the $400 you just saved by getting great help from other honest people just like you.

Once again please offer edits or detail suggestions. I know I missed a few things and need a little more advice but I know I can do it with everyones help. I'm heading up to put the new tires on the trailer and do this in a few weeks so there is pleany of time to iron out the details.

One last question I forgot to ask is does it make a huge difference if the 2 tabs are a little different but the same size? These are on an 82 225 cuddy searay and I can't find the same tabs (and there spendy). On the edges mine goes up on one side and down on the other and the new ones look like both sides are up.

Thanks again!!!


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Help with repair

I was told that the 3m 5200 could also be used to fill the holes. Is that true?


Both 5200,+ 4200 are nothing but Caulking... Their Not for filling a fiberglass Hull....

Use Marinetex, or Whatever Fiberglass Filler you Want,... Not some Caulking...

If you properly Fill the old holes,... There's No reason to Move the tabs....
That's Why you're filling the old holes...

And,... Personally,...
I see step 5 as Unnecessary...


Aug 3, 2007
Re: Help with repair

i had two holes striped on the front of one of my bennet trim at the hinge. i took the tab off and filled the holes with fiber glass resin and forced some strands of fiber glass from a f-g repair kits in to the holes with a tooth pick
i let it cure for a week and redrilled hole then put screws in with 3-m 5200
there are several ways to do this and i cant say mine method is any better than whats all ready been suggested but it is the same repair you are attempting. its still holding will with no sign of loosening yet

as bondo stated i wouldnt make new holes. on top of making another set of holes you will change the center or mounting point and might suffer cylinder alignment problems


Aug 3, 2007
Re: Help with repair


i'm not sure what lip your talking about.
what i can say is. lip on mine faces down and is on the out side ot the tab.
not sure if different tabs would make a difference. i guess you would be able to adjust each side to balance level. whether or not a good idea??
if you do i would think you would want the larger one on the starboard side. i say that because mine always seems to take more trim on s-d than port