Making any boat to perform top is a nightmare. There are too many tech variables to deal with such as hull design, drag coeficient, engine height, transom angle, trim angle, prop, load, and personal boating tastes and tricks.
In plain agreement with Jimmbo, as we have seen all boat transoms are not built with exact same heights doesn't matter if being short or long ones, varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Will add that same applies to outboards, all brands vary in lower leg lenght between them no matter is being S, L sizes.
Regarding the high tech illustration, asked the questsion soon after he finished installing a brand new 60 HP Yam on a boat. Owner was not happy with combo performance, so he asked my opinion. Went on a wot water trial on flat calm water cond, visually checked what was going on at back transom, OB was found sitting to high and prop aerating on close turns or at choppy windy water cond. To correct prop aeration a bit, OB was trimmed down.
With those parameters my fiberglass techie chopped 1 1/4" transom down. Bingo, now combo performs top on all water cond while water flow at speed skims right under upper small plate while at neutral trim. That's why I don't believe in those big shots "expert riggers"" that sits engines on transom and don't care after collected their money if combo performed OK once running on water which is a different and much more complicated story from a dry installation one.
Happy Boating