Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2004
Well, I hit the first big snag with my restoration. I don't think the outdrive is salvagable, but I would like peoples input please. Here is the story<br /><br />1964 Glassmaster with a Mercruiser 110 HP, type 1a outdrive (I think). Fresh water boat it's whole life, but the pond water was high in mineral. There is a decent amount of external corrosion in the case and in some spots, the aluminum looks porous. The prop was SO stuck on, it took me about 10 hours to get it off (ended up using blow torch, drill, and a dremel with a cutting wheel). The drain plug to the lower unit, another 2 hours to remove (drill then a hammer and chisel. Now, I have removed 5 nuts and one bolt (to the zinc anode) to seperate the upper from the lower. It looks like my upper case is cracked from the upper housing bolthole forward. I still worked it gently and there seems to be two point really stuck together (one area just forward of the zinc and the other right at the front most bolt hole)<br /><br />Questions are:<br />1) Can I weld this and have it be good?<br />2) If yes, how do I seperate these housing, did I miss something (one at the zinc, two at the underside midle, two on top and more forward, and one at the leading edge?)<br /><br />3) If no, any ideas on what drivces will bolt right up?<br /><br />4) If only another type 1a, ... does anyone got a lead on one in any shape? I almost prefer a rebuildable<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br />Ethan<br /><br />Here are my questions


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

1. If the crack is in a non-pressure/oil-filled location, I think welding will be ok.<br /><br />2. Sounds like you got all the bolts but I am not that familar with your outdrive...was there one hidden under the zinc? Separating my drive took abit of muscling and twist/wiggle.<br /><br />3. Not sure about "bolt on". You may be able to get a newer drive but I bet it will require replacing the transom mount and bell housing. There may be a conversion required (damn...blanking on name) for the part between flywheel and outdrive. Someone here should know better?<br /><br />4. I searched and searched but was unble to locate a type 1a,b, or c....sorry. I sent you a link to a ebay item..check it out.<br /><br />-JustMrWill


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Thanks Will<br /><br />1) The crack is around the forward starboard side bolt hole, in the upper housing where the stud passes through. It then turned and went forward. I was concerned about welding cast aluminum, heat distortion of the mating surface between the upper and the lower<br /><br />2) The Zinc is still attached, it will swivel from side to side but will not pull out. It does 'feel' like there may be soemthing else there<br /><br /><br />I also have to find out the 'gear ratio'<br /><br />Thanks<br />e


"Retired" Association of Marine Technicians...
Jul 7, 2004
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Soungs like the bolt under the zinc is still in there.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

WOW, this is intersting. I removed a bolt from the upper that I assummed passed through to attach be attached to the Zinc. Then in my manual I read that there is a recessed allen headed bolt in the hole attaching the Zinc. Well, I put a light down the hole to see an allen headed bolt looking back at me! I will tackle this tonight. I will have to remember to look for TWO bolts in the same hole on this machine!!! lol


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Once you remove the "allen headed bolt looking back at you",+ the zinc,<br />You'll see the Other bolt, when looking Up from below..........<br /><br />Your Gear Ratio Should be 1.98/1......<br /><br />If I'm not mistaken, Any of the Mod.1s Should bolt on, in place of your #1a......<br /><br />Mod.1s in the 1.98/1 ratio are on ebay for $300./$500., quite regularly.............


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Bondo,<br />Thanks a lot, that's the info I needed.<br /><br />What do you mean by Mod. 1 ? Type 1, or Alpha 1?<br /><br />I can deal with a $300 to $500 issue, I was fearing $1,000 +++!!!<br /><br />Best Regards<br />e


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Go over Here , Maybe you can figure out if a Model 1/ "R"drive/ Pre-Alpha will fit on your transom.......<br />The Model 1s/ "R"drives/ Pre-Alphas are all the Same drive.......<br />And, I Think they'll bolt onto your boat..........


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Thanks Bondo,<br /><br />Sorry to have another question for you. The site you linked is great, my only problem is that mine may be the original 1964 and that site starts at 1966.<br /><br />I will print out those pages and compare to what I got!


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Well, There were Model Os, way back when, I think it had an 80hp Renault motor........<br />Then the 1 you have, I've seen in several configurations.......<br />I'm Hopeing, in Your case, Maybe the Model 1 will bolt up......<br />I haven't run accross tooo many of those.... I know that the bellhousing changed.......<br />But, Don't Know when, much less What , Changed......<br />I know that Mod.1s,+ Alpha 1s Can be swapped, with only minor tinkering............<br /><br />Good Luck...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Help with a Mercruiser type 1a needed

Hi Bondo,<br /><br />Thanks again for your input, it's been a huge help. Oddly enough, there is a complete Renault 80 HP with it's outdrive on Ebay right now. You are right that there seems to be a good amount of the Aplha 1'a out there