help with 15HP Yamaha!!


Jun 12, 2004
New to forum so I'll try to be concise...<br /><br />Rebuilt bottm end last year after propshaft pin fell out and took out gears and bearings..This year,,, I found bearing carrier/ cap was broken from freezing temperatures...Took apart and whole btm end was full of water....Replaced bearing carrrier and o-rings, and, seals on prop shaft....<br /><br />When I was filling the btm end with oil, I noticed fresh gear oil coming from a tiny 5/32" hole just above the oil level check hole.....IS THIS A FROST PLUG HOLE THAT LOST A FROST PLUG?....Can't think of anything else....If oil comes out of here as it does, what stops water from getting inside...Don't know why oil is coming from here?<br /><br />any help is appreciated<br /><br />thanks TJ