I am thinking about using Rydlyme to clean out the cooling system on my 1985 Mercruiser 120 2.5l, raw water cooled engine.
For the most part, its use seems pretty straight forward, but as I am still learning about my boat, I have a couple easy questions for you super mariners out there...
The instructions on rydlyme's site say:
4- Make sure there is no other system connected to your raw water cooling system by inspecting the piping from the discharge side of the raw water pump to the overboard discharge. In some cases, the propeller shaft is cooled by this loop, and if so, it will need to be isolated.
Ok, so I know that the discharge water exits through the propeller, but I don't know if that water is cooling the propeller shaft... I can imagine it working either way.
Am I making this process is harder than it is? Can I just take a garbage can and fill it with a rydlyme/water solution then run the boat with the sterndrive lowered into the garbage can?
Thanks for your help, gurus.
For the most part, its use seems pretty straight forward, but as I am still learning about my boat, I have a couple easy questions for you super mariners out there...
The instructions on rydlyme's site say:
4- Make sure there is no other system connected to your raw water cooling system by inspecting the piping from the discharge side of the raw water pump to the overboard discharge. In some cases, the propeller shaft is cooled by this loop, and if so, it will need to be isolated.
Ok, so I know that the discharge water exits through the propeller, but I don't know if that water is cooling the propeller shaft... I can imagine it working either way.
Am I making this process is harder than it is? Can I just take a garbage can and fill it with a rydlyme/water solution then run the boat with the sterndrive lowered into the garbage can?
Thanks for your help, gurus.