Help Using Rydlyme


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
I am thinking about using Rydlyme to clean out the cooling system on my 1985 Mercruiser 120 2.5l, raw water cooled engine.

For the most part, its use seems pretty straight forward, but as I am still learning about my boat, I have a couple easy questions for you super mariners out there...

The instructions on rydlyme's site say:
4- Make sure there is no other system connected to your raw water cooling system by inspecting the piping from the discharge side of the raw water pump to the overboard discharge. In some cases, the propeller shaft is cooled by this loop, and if so, it will need to be isolated.

Ok, so I know that the discharge water exits through the propeller, but I don't know if that water is cooling the propeller shaft... I can imagine it working either way.

Am I making this process is harder than it is? Can I just take a garbage can and fill it with a rydlyme/water solution then run the boat with the sterndrive lowered into the garbage can?

Thanks for your help, gurus.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Help Using Rydlyme

Maybe Rydlyme isn't as commonly used as I'd thought...

Additional info:
Rydlyme is a De-Limer/De-Scaler that gets run through your cooling system to dissolve buildup caused by corrosion and mineral deposits. It is advertised as being safe for all hoses, gaskets, and plastics that it comes in contact with.

There are instructions specific to claning your boat's raw water cooling system here: ENGINE RAW.pdf

but those instructions are generalized, and not all instructions will apply to all engines. (hence my confusion)

I will contact Rydlyme and ask my question and post their response so we can all have the answer-


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Help Using Rydlyme

Maybe Rydlyme isn't as commonly used as I'd thought...

Ayuh,... Why would you Want to,..??

If your motor is clogged to the point of overheatin', it needs mechanical work...
Most motors Never clog, especially for Mineral issues...
Unless of course, Salt is the mineral in question,.... That's another thing unto itself....

Lime,... Sweetwater, doesn't clog Anything,.... Manifolds last for generations, not years...


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Help Using Rydlyme

I'm replacing the exhaust elbow, and cleaned the riser that holds the elbow. The amount of buildup in the manifold is moderate, so I'd like to clean it our without taking it off if possible. My other plan was to take the front and back covers off of the manifold and rod it out, but came across the Rydlyme product and (perhaps mistakenly?) thought it'd do a good job cleaning out the manifold without the need to remove any parts... after all, if it does what I'm thinking, it would do a better job than me scraping it by hand.

If salt is the only thing to worry about, then salt must be the cause of my buildup. I've cleaned corrosion off of or replaced several things in the motor, which currently only overheats at WOT, which is why I pulled the exhaust elbow in the first place, to find it with enough blockage to cause me doubt, along with the riser.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Help Using Rydlyme

Ayuh,.... Manifolds, Rusted manifolds are Replaced, rather than cleaned...
As all the Junk, used to be the manifold's cast iron...
If it rots through, you'll be buying a New Motor....


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Help Using Rydlyme

I completely agree that rusted parts need to be replaced. ..but what about (expensive) parts that are only *starting* to rust? The manifold needs to have its active rust removed, no contention there, but if rust is caught early enough shouldn't I be able to clean it off without replacing affected parts? I'll pull the manifold and soak it in muriatic acid before buying a replacement, the existing rust is not that severe. I was just looking to see if the cleaning could be done without pulling the manifold.

Thanks for your input!