Hello again (been several years since last post, and I'm back at fiddling w/ this motor).<br /><br />I'm running into some difficulty removing the lower unit, so that I can gain access to the water pump housing for impeller replacement. First, I'm confused at just what I have to remove, and secondly (figuring I'm removed the proper things) am unsure why it just doesn't seperate.<br /><br />I fancied myself as somewhat mechanically inclined, plus I have referenced later years Clymer's manuals, among several others, but still don't seem to be getting the info I need.<br /><br />I've removed 6 bolts (3 on each side, underneath the anti-cavitation plate)...are these the ONLY bolts, and ONLY 6, I need to remove?<br /><br />I've removed the access plate (as well as the plate behind it) on the right side of the motor, and loosened up the shift linkage bolt...does the bolt need to be completely removed, or just loose...as it is, it's finger loose, yet when I move through the gears, the rod still seems firmly attached and moves as if it were firmly bolted.<br /><br />Now, here's where some confusion comes in...right above this lower most portion of the motor (the part that gets filled w/ gear lube and has the top fill hole) there is also another segment of the motor, about the same length, that is bolted in place (it's underneath the removable shroud). This part is again held in w/ 6 bolts (3 on each side) as well as, so far as I can tell, one more very inaccessible bolt at the back of the motor (the head is up inside, and w/out some facily bent wrench, the whole engine covering would have to be removed to get at it)...is it this portion that I need to try to seperate things, or the lowermost portion?<br /><br />I've tried both, w/ absolutely no success...the bolts came out easily enough, but no matter how hard I wrestle w/ things, I can barely see light between the mating surfaces (and when I do, it's only at the front portion, the aft portion of the mating surfaces don't even seperate).<br /><br />I'm not certain what's reasonable force at this point...I was leery about inserting screwdrivers w/ excessive force, and risking nicking what I assume to be surfaces that should remain flat.<br /><br />What holds things together up in there...should it really just drop loose?<br /><br />Does this sound like a scenario of the dreaded gaulded or corroded splines keeping things together...and if so, what's the plan of attack.<br /><br />It's a heavy enough 40 hp '64 Evinrude BIG TWIN...if removing and flipping it is the only reasonable option to soak some penetrant in there, I'll reluctantly entertain that idea...but even if that IS the case...how on earth would one get penetrant where it needs to go, since you can't see up there, much less access it....does this call for completely removing the outer thin aluminum housing so that you can see the cast part of the motor.<br /><br />I know this is lengthy, I apologize for that. Just hoping to get some simple straightforward answers, and apprise any help of where I'm at and what I've tried (and failed w/) thus far.<br /><br />Thanks for any and all help...hoping to get on the water by the weekend (I live in NJ, but my boat is in CT, so figuring out what to do when the motor isn't on hand, has been a chore...but now I finally have a day or two to crack at it). Thanks, AlexeiVT