I have a 1984 Bayliner capri with a Volvo Penta AQ125a engine 280 outdrive, In has set since last september and was covered and left in storage outside, it ran welkl last time we fired it. this season when uncovering it we noticed am excessive amount of mositure was inside and inside the engine compartment, when we tried to fire it up we noticed that a fuel water mixture was blowing out thru the top of the Carb, we resrach the caarb made sure everything was connected and then drained the fuel completely and refuled, we attemted to resart and the same thing happened again. In further examping the engine we check the oil stick for signs of water in the Oil, it was good, we check the sparkplug and ignigtion system and notices that when we pulled the 1 and numbert 4 cyl plugs a clar liquid was in the sparkplug seat, we tooka syring and sucked out several table spoins of this liquid that appeard to be water. we then took a airhose dried all the sparkplug seats and repalce the plugs with new ones and attemted to start again and the process is repeated. what else shouod we be looking at, I suspect maybe stuck valves not sure and if so dio we have to dioa complete rebuild on the head or what?