I recently purchased a 24' boat with twin GM 120hp 4 cylinder blocks that have twin mercruiser stern drives. I am having problems with trimming both stern drives up and down. The trim cylinder motors have been rebuilt and seem to be in like-new condition. They have plenty of fluid in them. Actually, when you push the trim button (either up or down) you can hear it spinning (working)- it just isn't grabbing the sterndrive to raise or lower it properly. It will trim, but not always on command. You have to push, stop, push, stop, push etc.... and it moves, but still does not go all the way up or down.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be?
Please help me out.
I recently purchased a 24' boat with twin GM 120hp 4 cylinder blocks that have twin mercruiser stern drives. I am having problems with trimming both stern drives up and down. The trim cylinder motors have been rebuilt and seem to be in like-new condition. They have plenty of fluid in them. Actually, when you push the trim button (either up or down) you can hear it spinning (working)- it just isn't grabbing the sterndrive to raise or lower it properly. It will trim, but not always on command. You have to push, stop, push, stop, push etc.... and it moves, but still does not go all the way up or down.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be?
Please help me out.