Help! may have put wife off boating forever, running probs penta 4.3 v6 4bbl holley


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 14, 2011
Volvo penta 434a 4.3 V6 (1993) 4bbl holley+ 290 duoprop
Hi all,
Would appreciate some help, had my boat out a few times this season running fine, then tonight I decide to take my wife outa spin, run boat on muff's all fine, launch boat and motor out. After running for a couple of minutes 3k throttle the boat all of a sudden dies, drops off plane and sounds like it is going to cut out, back off the throttle and slowly throttle up and it keeps dying then when I think its going to cut out I work it back onto plane and start heading for home quick with a worried looking wife :grumpy: While holding it at around 2.5k revs if I throttle to full throttle it dies briefly again. Manage to get back to the bay where I try her in neutral and it revs clean and fine, so I try a blast again get up to full throttle fine and hold it WOT for about 10 secs when it dies again and just mangage to keep it running, this time the look I am getting from my wife means I slowly go back into the bay and get the boat on the trailer. ( while trying the run in the bay there was a guy I know in his boat so knew if it died totally I could get towed in case you think i was trying to get stuck:joyous:)- Back at home the boat starts on the muffs fine but I am sure I hear a little miss - SO - what you all think, no-one near where I live to work on it som need some help. I was thinking maybe water in fuel (fitted new fuel/water seperator this year) or carb? or distributor cap/points??
Any help would be great before I start replacing parts and lose a methodical approach!!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 23, 2011
Re: Help! may have put wife off boating forever, running probs penta 4.3 v6 4bbl holl

You're running out of fuel in the carburetor. The fuel filters are suspect. Possibly the fuel pump or the anti siphon valve at the fuel tank.

It could also be a plugged fuel tank vent line.

Do the simple stuff first.

Make sure the fuel tank vent line is clear.
Replace the fuel filters.