Help, I removed the pivot pin


Aug 20, 2001
While changing the gearcase oil on my 1979 35hp Evinrude, I accidently removed the pivot pin instead of the correct screw that is unfortunately located just to the left of the pivot pin. I remember a mechanic telling me once to never remove the pin because the guts of the gearcase will fall apart inside and the whole thing would have to be taken apart and reassembled. I was able to jiggle the pin back in the hole and screw it back in. Did I do any damage? Will I have to have it reassembled? Do I wait until I get the engine running again next season, shift it into gear and see if it works, or could I do even more damage by doing that?


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 1, 2006
Re: Help, I removed the pivot pin

theres a good chance you are ok,what you can do is, take the spark plugs out,rotate the flywheel by hand,or have someone help,while rotating the flywheel,shift into forward and see if everything is working,then try reverse,if all shifts or,i would be confident your out of trouble. but do listen hard when you first start up and operate under power,you would know immediatly if something is wrong,


Vice Admiral
Apr 15, 2002
Re: Help, I removed the pivot pin

No, the guts don't fall apart, but the shift yoke will no longer have it's pivot and you won't be able to shift, that's for sure. I hear it's possible to get the yoke back in position w/o taking the lower unit apart, but it's sort of like solving a Rubic's Cube to get the shifter yoke hole in the right place. Have fun and have patience, you'll need it!


Dec 16, 2003
Re: Help, I removed the pivot pin

Actually it is the shifting guts that do come apart.If the screw is just out of the yoke,or lever,you'll probably be able to realign things and get the screw back in.

If the cradle has come out of the yoke it also came out of the clutch dog.This leaves you with a real long shot of not having to tear down the gearcase to fix.

Not impossible to fix,of course.But get a factory manual.If you had a 25 hp you might figure it out,but that 35 has a one piece housing.That makes it a bit of work.



Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: Help, I removed the pivot pin

Sometimes using a small awl or a dental pick and a flashlite you can see the hole for the pivot pin in the shifter yoke. Use the awl or pick to center the hole and re-install the pin making sure the sealing o-ring is in good shape. Bby carefully moving the shift lever slowly, you can watch for the shift yoke hole to come into view. In extreme cases, the gearcase has to come apart.

Good luck