Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV


Jul 8, 2009
2001 Yamaha 1200 SUV

So anyways my daughter was riding and said oil light/buzzer came on and still showed 2 bars of oil, so she continued riding(arg!!) and then it wouldnt go over 12 mph so she came back and killed it and it wouldn't restart. I removed seat to find about 1 - 1 1/2 cups 2 cycle oil in bottom of hull and the bottom oil tube off. I followed tube and found it goes to middle cylinder, and am assuming that it is toast. My question is can i resleeve and new piston that one cylinder or should I have all bored/or replated? I have found reman cylinders with replating and new prox piston kits for like 398.00(reasonable?) is this something I could take care of myself? I would like to get repaired within a couple of weeks, so can use some more before summer over. Any ideas on full rebuild prices or a rebuilt engine? I live in Southeast Oklahoma and have no ideas of reputible/cost effective repair shops.

Also after this is done was thinking of getting rid of pump and go to premix anyone know where i can find a block off plate? And what the ratio is? 50:1,35:1, or what?

Thanks in Advance for any help,


Mar 9, 2009
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

First of all, the oil hose came off, so put it back on. It may have gone into a "safe mode" my not going over 12mph. I don't know anything specific about the 1200, but there's a chance it's still good. Otherwise, I'd go ahead and just replace the entire engine, not just resleeve it.


Jul 8, 2009
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

First of all, the oil hose came off, so put it back on. It may have gone into a "safe mode" my not going over 12mph. I don't know anything specific about the 1200, but there's a chance it's still good. Otherwise, I'd go ahead and just replace the entire engine, not just resleeve it.

TY for yur suggestion I will have to check when i get off work but not to optimistic. I hope that is the only problem "safe mode" but any ideas where i could find a reasonable replacement? Also one yamaha shop I called said crank was probably bad too due to the incident i described, does this sound correct. He quoted me a price of $4000.00 to fix sounds way to high for me. I have prety good mechanical ability should i takle it on my own? Any help from some one who has done would be appreciated. Thx again Haulin

Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

no safe mode there,, yamaha oil lines are notorious for falling off and destroying the cylinder or hatching the engine totally,, you probably have bearing damage in the hole as well, so the engine needs to be pulled and disassembled to check what else was damaged ,, just doing a top end may end up doing more harm if the rod bearing or crank bearings were damaged


Jul 8, 2009
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

no safe mode there,, yamaha oil lines are notorious for falling off and destroying the cylinder or hatching the engine totally,, you probably have bearing damage in the hole as well, so the engine needs to be pulled and disassembled to check what else was damaged ,, just doing a top end may end up doing more harm if the rod bearing or crank bearings were damaged

Well, started pulling enigine today and first off when removed airbox there were shavings all around the center cylinder carb(bad news already)Pulled the head and the piston has a huge hole in it with the broke part melted on top of cylinder(gussing got to hot from no oil and gas caused it to hole out)The deposit on the piston put an indention in the head. So I found a rebuilt engine on the internet for $999.99 with a 2 yr no fault warranty am working on pulling enigine now( had to take a break temp around 103 and humidity of like 80% makes for miserable work conditions). I'm pretty sure crank gonna be messed up too, due to shavings in carb I'm sure some made it down.The new motor should be here in 3-5 days if i order monday morning but before i do any cheaper places anyone know of?


Mar 19, 2009
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

You might check in your area for a salvage yard. May find a crashed unit with good motor.


Jul 8, 2009
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

If you run into a snag on this project there is a guy runs a boat repair shop down on 120 just north of Fink (just east of High Port marina). Garry`s Boat repair @ 903-786-4045.

I am running 4 PWCs and a boat and he does all my work. I was referred to him by another guy and have been very impressed with his work and prices.

Good Luck.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 24, 2005
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

Look at SBT motors. Don't know how the cost will compare with the quote yo already have but their engines are top notch.


Jul 1, 2009
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

at the dealer i work for sbt is def the way to go we use them all the time, for what it costs to repair the damage that your talking about way better off purchasing the motor from sbt.. the only thing is there is a second charge for holes in the cases they range from 200-500$


Jul 8, 2009
Re: Help!! Daughter killed our 1200 SUV

Thanks for the help so far. I still dont know if gonna use SBT or the one I found on EBAY. But my question now is since metal shavings had came back through the carb and into the airbox, do I need new reed valves? I am planning on cleaning the intake and the carbs to make sure no more metal in there. Also are there any upgrades that are affordable that I should do now while I have the engine out? Such as the D-plate I dont know what it is but I have seen some topics about putting in. Let me know before I get the new engine in by next Saturday.(hopefully)