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- Oct 14, 2008
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ok so heres the deal i just got as a gift from a family member a 1996 Sunbird Sizzler ,anyways this boat spend all this time in a garage as the previous owner was a 63 year old woman not sure how many hours she used it but by the conditions of it ...pretty new,After cleaning it and changing a spark plugs and new cables i took it out for a test it ran for about an hour before overheating and not even starting. the thing is!! i called a local mecanic and he had neva worked on this kind of engine before ( OMC 115hp turbo) supossely thats what the cover says, he said he try to work on it for 500 bucks after 3 days he kalled me saying that "somenthing ealse in the electrical system is not working" but the real problemn is he dosent kno what it is and i been going nutz trying to find the Owner/or repair manual somenthing about this boat i been doing my research and i kno OMC is no longer in bisn as RbR i think bought so if u kno where i kan get those manual plizz plizz help...sorrry for the typing errors i wasent sure were to post since is OMC supossely was jhonson /evinrude but not sure animore