Help!! 96 Sizzler


Oct 14, 2008
:)ok so heres the deal i just got as a gift from a family member a 1996 Sunbird Sizzler ,anyways this boat spend all this time in a garage as the previous owner was a 63 year old woman not sure how many hours she used it but by the conditions of it ...pretty new,After cleaning it and changing a spark plugs and new cables i took it out for a test it ran for about an hour before overheating and not even starting. the thing is!! i called a local mecanic and he had neva worked on this kind of engine before ( OMC 115hp turbo) supossely thats what the cover says, he said he try to work on it for 500 bucks after 3 days he kalled me saying that "somenthing ealse in the electrical system is not working" but the real problemn is he dosent kno what it is and i been going nutz trying to find the Owner/or repair manual somenthing about this boat i been doing my research and i kno OMC is no longer in bisn as RbR i think bought so if u kno where i kan get those manual plizz plizz help...sorrry for the typing errors :confused: i wasent sure were to post since is OMC supossely was jhonson /evinrude but not sure animore
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Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: Help!! 96 Sizzler

sea doo owns omc now,, what exactly are the symptoms with the electrical system


Oct 14, 2008
Re: Help!! 96 Sizzler

so see-doo owns omc now? umm do u have ani idea were i can get an owner manual ....and the systomps im not really sure the mechanics dint drop it into details i kno i blew a fuse from the overheating and before calling the mechanic i changed the fuse and started again . there was san/salt inside the coling pieces of the piston heads (sorry dont kno the name) and i send both pieces to be clean pluz bought new sets of rigs . He changed all the hoses for the engine but somenthing electrical wich i hAVE no idea....thats why i need some kind o manual to se the electrical components . as u can se not a lot of mechanics have worked or even kno about OM:redface:


Oct 14, 2008
Re: Help!! 96 Sizzler

ok well i just talked 2 the mechanics he saying that the starter works so is not a major piece that the electricity workks but is not going tru the sparkg plug that i could be like 3 diferent stuffs but he dosent wanna star changing them all kuz is gona be a lot of money

Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: Help!! 96 Sizzler

omc has issues with coil and brain ground wires after overheating the plastic melts and loosens the ground connections between the plastic and the block,, if the coils don't ground properly they can cause the brain to burn out,, tell him to remove the coils and clean the ground connections and do the same for the brain,, the brain box may have gone bad but try cleaning the ground wires first.