Hey guys, I am looking for some help from some experts (probably laddies or clams) on wiring on my 1150 merc tower of power. The model is from the 73 vintage and i have recently rebuilt the carbs on it. Stupidly I didn't take any photos on how the wires were originally layed out so it was pretty much redone from memory. Could someone please with some knowledge confirm or correct my layout, I have a manual but some of the colours are different. I am sure something must be wrong, because It's not running as well as it was and the tacho isn't displaying anything.<br /> <br />The wires I am talking about are in reference to the rectifier and the switchbox. When refering to which side, It is as if i am looking back at the motor from inside the boat.<br /><br />My current configuration on the right hand side (from bottom to top) on the switch box is, black, tan/olive, brown. The brown wire goes to some plastic thingy which i believe is the mercury switch. From this switch another brown wire comes out and I have absolutely no idea where this is meant to go??<br /><br />For the left hand side in reference to the rectifier (bottom to top) I have red, olive/tan, olive/tan.How do i know which olive/tan wire goes where?<br /><br />Between the rectifier and switchbox, there is a black wire which i have earthed to the cowling?<br /><br />Left hand side switchbox (bottom to top), I have, tan/olive pickybacked with brown, red, nothing (was like this before I bought the boat even though there is a nut for a wire) and then green.<br /><br />Thanks for your help guys, any info would be much appreciated as I am in dire straights right now!!!<br /><br />Cheers Nick