Hello Community


Jun 17, 2006
Hello to everyone!<br /><br /><br /> I have decided that it's time to move forward with buying a sail boat. What that means is I have given myself a year to do the proper research on what type of boat I would like to buy and can afford to keep. I think joining an online sailing community is a great idea, as there is an abundance of knowledge to be found and friendships to be shared. <br /><br /> I'm currently a member of the motorcycling community, which is wonderful. We always wave to passing bikers and stopping at a red light next to another biker, at the very least, winds up in two people smiling at one another or a short 20 second conversation about nothing that leaves you feeling good as the light turns green and you roll back on the throttle and ride off. Becoming part of that community has somewhat helped to restore my faith in mankind.<br /><br /> I'm also a member of the Dog Owners club. I have to tell you that I fully intend on bringing my dog sailing. I'm sure there are many of you who have dogs and take them out on your boats....hmmm why does the poop deck keep popping into mind?<br /><br /> If you asked my why I chose sail boats, I would tell you that I belive its an art, it's a community, it's peaceful, and challenging. <br /><br />I look forward to your wisdom, stories, and hopefully your friendship.<br /><br />-Ron


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Hello Community

Welcome<br /><br /><br />I was a sailor owned 4 up to 24' then went to trailer power boating the last 10 years<br /><br />I am on the fence if we will go back to sail because of the problems and expenses of keeping a boat at a marina and the headache of setting up the mast at the ramp<br /><br />You will get some advice here but the sailing forum is really not that active<br /><br /> I would look for clubs in your area that have races which are generally during the week in the evening and on weekends you will find it a lot like a motorcycle club<br /><br />There is always a shortage of willing crew members and it’s a great way to learn about different boats and what’s really involved in owning one<br />
<br /><br />I got involve in the youth program as a way of teaching them about bigger boats and haveing a supply of crew :) <br /><br />tommays


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 22, 2003
Re: Hello Community

Welcome Ron<br /><br />I love boats in general. All kinds of boats. But, I must admit, sailboats are my first love. My first experience sailing, many long years ago, I rented a Sunfish in Panama City Florida. From that day forward I was hooked. Learned to sail by the seat of my pants. Wasn't always pretty but it was always fun. There is something special about being out on the water with the wind in the sails and the sound of the water rushing by the hull..<br /><br />Dave


Jun 28, 2002
Re: Hello Community

been sailing most of my life, still have a 27ft. Oday that I just moved up to watts bar lake in Tn. with gas at 3.50 a gal. I don't use my power boat too much..anyway, a lot depends on what kind of sailing you want to do and where your at that will help you determine the boat you need ..Kinda like you would'nt ride a full dress harley thru the woods.....:$.