Hello, I have twin 1989 Johnsons (vro) 150's. They have been running great this season. A little history, I have had this boat for 2 years, and run carbon free with every fill up as well as decarb them twice a year. Also, I replace water pumps every year, and thermostats this past spring. Starboard motor rebuilt 2 years ago runs great and slightly cooler than the port motor. <br /><br /> Now, I'll get to my question. The port motor(860hours)seems to be heating up abit more than usual. I was told that carbon builds up on the head and it should be resurfaced to prevent powerhead failure or overheating. To my knowledge this motor has never had any major work done except what I mention above. Will resurfacing the head improve the performance or extend life to this old motor? I'm looking for some clarification. Thanks, Homey