First experience with gasket replacement.
Head gasket (Sierra) is CMP-4000 material. Sierra recommends dry fit only.
Exhaust plate gasket is more antiquated (and very thin) fiber material.
Do I use sealant on both faces of exhaust gasket --- and is there a spray alternative to the messy, brush-on type?
On threads of head bolts and exhaust plate screws, is it OK to use non-permanent medium grade thread lock or must I use thread sealant instead?
Head gasket (Sierra) is CMP-4000 material. Sierra recommends dry fit only.
Exhaust plate gasket is more antiquated (and very thin) fiber material.
Do I use sealant on both faces of exhaust gasket --- and is there a spray alternative to the messy, brush-on type?
On threads of head bolts and exhaust plate screws, is it OK to use non-permanent medium grade thread lock or must I use thread sealant instead?