While highjacking threads can be fun if you some what know the person. The thread we were in I didn't want to do that to.<br />Has something to do with that soft underbelly! <br /><br />Haut Medoc<br />
Oh crapola whats that "fatherless" Paul up to now?<br />Wood Boat Center is a Icon! Are they going to be able to relocate?<br />I guess the Pauls of the world get to do what they want! <br /><br />We spent our Honeymoon in Seattle by choice 20+ years ago and donated to the wood boat center!<br />Have every year since. <br /><br />This isn't just right!<br />Thanks for your input and information.<br /><br />Link<br />Just sitting on my front lawn watching COPS being filmed! In Lakewood Ofcourse!Enjoy the boat center while you can.....<br />It's going away to make room for "Allentown" [Frown] ...JK