Has anyone replaced their own rubrail>


Aug 2, 2011
Just curious. I have a 1999 232 witha 200hp Merc and I need my rubrail replaced. I have checked pricing and and it is not that unreasonable. I just don't know if I can do it myself. They say to let it sit in the sun a few hours to get pliable (no problem with the temps we're having right now) and it should feed through the track fairly easliy. Any opinions?
Jul 24, 2011
Re: Has anyone replaced their own rubrail>

I wrap boats for a living, and I can tell u that removing and replacing a rubrail is fairly easy to do urself, but with the proper tools it is even easier.
First, ru replacing just the rubber insert, or both the insert and the rail that screws into the boat? If it's just the rubber insert, then it should have two screws holding it in at the rear of the boat. Removethoae and just pull it out. When putting the new one in, yes definitely set it in the sun for an hour or so, it will make this alot easier. Then put one end into the rail, screw one of the 2 holder screws in and just work ur way around the boat to the other side with a rubber hammer and hit it in and screw the oter screw in.
Now if ur doing the actual rail as well, then u will have to remove about 200 screws that hold it in and u will need at least one other person to help hold the new one on the boat while u screw in a few screws (spaced out around thr boat)to
hold it in, then finish puttin all the screws in then do the rubber. Any questions let me know. Good luck!!


Aug 2, 2011
Re: Has anyone replaced their own rubrail>

Thanks for the info. I think I will definitely give it a shot myself. I don't need to replace the rail, just some screws that have stripped. I was thinking about using some epoxy (or something along those lines) to reenforce them. This rubrail has the the lip on both top and bottom that has to slide in. A rubber mallet will work or am I going to continuously thread it as I go along? Again, thanks for the help.
Jul 24, 2011
Re: Has anyone replaced their own rubrail>

Yea a mallet will be fine. If you happen to have an air powered air gun( sometimes called a bead gun, used for awnings) then that will save you time and sore arms. But if not, then yes the mallet is good, just make sure to put a screw in at the back where u start so it doesn't slide as you pull it tight. Good luck!