hard start in water


Jun 21, 2001
I recently purchased a evinrude 55hp boat for $400, which I thought was a 78, but found out afterwards it is a 68. I still think I got a decent deal on it. Anyway, what my problem is, is that it starts fine on land with water going in the inlet, but when I put it in the water, it starts and stalls, or takes off. I know it can start in gear, so I changed the oil in the prop, and I fixed the wiring problems, but I'm afraid to haul it back to the lake to test it because I don't think that would cause it to start and stall. Any help would be appreciated. <br /><br />Note: The boat sat for 1 1/2 years, I live in michigan, and this is my first boat, though I am a mechanic, so am somewhat familiar with engines...


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: hard start in water

Howdy jbrintnell. Too little info. How long does it run in the water before it stalls? When did it last have the water pump impeller replaced? (Anytime you don't KNOW the condition of the impeller, change it.)What do you mean when you say it "takes off"? It shouldn't start when "in gear". What wiring problems did you fix?<br /><br />If it sat for 1 1/2 years it needs the fuel tank and any filter cleaned, fuel pump and carbs cleaned and maybe overhauled.<br /><br />When it tries to stall, pump your primer bulb. If that makes it work, you have a fuel starvation problem. If it runs for more than a minute before it stalls look to cooling problems.<br /><br />Good luck.<br />JB


Jun 21, 2001
Re: hard start in water

in the water in stalls immediately or doesn't start. on land it will run all day, but runs rough. bulb is firm and unable to pump. no clue about impeller, so will change that. was hoping not to have to overhaul carbs. never worked with a sychronized carb before. I have read through alot of these messages and see that you have helped alot of people JB, so hopefully this will help. Could you tell me what symptoms I might have with a bad impeller. Thanks...<br /><br />Would like to note that it had a gas leak, which is now fixed, and somehow the gas got into the gearlube in bottom end. The wires I repaired were the main wiring at connector where wiring in boat attaches to engine.


Jun 21, 2001
Re: hard start in water

found out I was filling gearcase backwards. think that will fix the shifting problem, any ideas about the running rough...