Hard shift now water in lower unit


Apr 4, 2002
I have a 90 Johnson Gt 150 had they impeller serviced on the water pump last fall. After getting it back it was harder to put in gear than before. Mechanic gave me a line of b.s. cant remember exacly what he said. But now I have water in the lower unit do you guys think both problems could be the shaft seal, (not set right or pinched) just a guess because I have no idea how it is designed. I did a search and saw that I should be changing my gaskets on the vent/fill screws should I change these and run it for a while then check the oil again. If so how long? When I changed the oil only the first ounce or so of oil had water in it.<br />Thanks in advance

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Hard shift now water in lower unit

Will..... You can change the seals on the fill/vent screws if you like, but I doubt if that's the leak source. But since the problem didn't exist before you had the water pump serviced, I would suspect that the mechanic has re-installed the throttle/shift cables improperly...... that is, they aren't adjusted properly. If those two cables are installed whereas they are slightly too tight, they will work against each other.<br /><br />To adjust, remove the 3/8" nut that retains the shift cable to the linkage at the engine. Move the linkage slightly to observe the play in the linkage at neutral, then center that linkage.<br /><br />With the control box in neutral, grab the sleeve of the cable at the engine end and push, then pull it... observing the play (if any) in the inner cable. Center the sleeve in the center of that play.<br /><br />Now, the bolt hole in the sleeve should align with the threaded stud of the shift linkage. If not, adjust the plastic threaded trunion of the cable that's locked into the engine retaining clamp. Good luck and let us know how you make out.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Hard shift now water in lower unit

Hi Willi....<br /><br />Try diconnecting the shift cable at the motor and while turning the prop, I use my foot cause it's handy, put the motor in gear at the motor. If it slips in and out of gear both ways, forward and reverse, trouble may be in the control or shift cable. Can't thing of anything the mech could have done unless he check the shift rod height and got it wrong. A few drops of water in the lower unit ain't much to worry about. But if you want piece of mind, have the lower unit pressure and vacuum checked<br /><br />Jim :D