Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2003
Just curious if anyone has been to lake charles LA and hackberry rod and gun, fishing and hunting club?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 2, 2005
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

Not in a while, not sure if its still there after Rita.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2003
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

Hackberry Rod & Gun <br /><br />Hackberry, LA USA<br /><br />We have had hundreds and hundreds of emails and phone calls since hurricane Rita inquiring about the state of things at Hackberry Rod & Gun. We were able to return to Hackberry two weekends ago to survey the damage Hurricane Rita did to our lodge. About 95% of the lodge was destroyed by winds and water. We feel like we might be able to save the dinning room and the office area but the rest will have to be cleared off and rebuilt. We are already making preliminary plans to meet with contractors and artichets to rebuild the lodge to even bigger and better standards. We hope to have the entire complex rebuilt by early spring in time for those huge springtime trout.<br /><br />Our prayers and yours were answered. Even though Hurricane Rita destroyed the lodge, the Stansels, our employees and their families are safe and together. We have been overwhelmed at the outpouring of people offering to help rebuild their special place away from home in southwest Louisiana. As we move forward with reconstruction we will continue to keep all of our outdoor friends informed.<br /><br />Please continue to pray for all of the people affected by both of these terrible hurricanes that struck the entire Louisiana coast.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2003
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

Do you work there reeltime or have you been there? I know buddy and my cousins are the Stansels and Terry is my uncle. I didnt know if you know them work there or you just got it off their site? Just curious and im glad they are rebuilding cause that was great before and if they make it better then WOW.

David Schenck

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

Your messages make interesting reading - I live at the southern tip of Africa and hurricanes are no threat at all and therefore occupy very little of our thoughts. Rita and Katrina made major news here and my thoughts are with you after reading about the devastation of your resort - I am glad your staff are safe. Blessings to you all!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2003
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

No I do not work there, I have fished with them on occasions, I live in Baton Rouge , Louisiana. What I did was copy and paste a message they wrote in another forum for you guys, If you goto www.rodnreel.com and goto the fishing and hunting reports on the front page it you will see that all the guides in louisiana write in here everyday and there are all kinds of interesting topics always going on. As you know the Hurricanes devisated our coast and fishing , there are lots of pictures there too. I will attach a few links if you guys want some pictures of what the coast looks like. Here are the links<br /> <br /> http://www.louisianasportsman.com/ <br /><br />This is one of the best Louisiana fishing Monthly Mags that is also online.<br /><br /> http://www.fortbeauregardmarina.com/main.htm <br /><br />above is a upper class community that was wiped out . look at the new pictures page , then goto the Hurricane katrina page.<br /><br />Here are a few links to some website that people posted of hurricane Katrina.<br /><br /> http://photobucket.com/albums/v508/stephenmodad/?action=view&current=P9030083.jpg <br /> http://hkatrina.shutterfly.com/action/ <br /> http://photobucket.com/albums/a103/paise/ <br /> http://ngs.woc.noaa.gov/katrina/KATRINA0000.HTM <br /><br />Good luck guys !!!!!!

David Schenck

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

Tragic pictures - you guys have my greatest sympathy with those hurricanes. Our warm water comes down from the Mozambique current and rarely exceeds 21 deg C so no danger of tropical cyclones! We are at 34 deg South! We catch Yellowfin and Longfin tuna in water between 16 and 20 deg C - lots of them. Our biggest yellows rarley exceed 110 kg (about 240 pounds) but some of the big eyes get bigger than that. The yellows average out at about 50 kgs with very few really small fish taken ie 25 kg and less


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2003
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

Thanks for the info. Im trying to get pics of hackberry cause im curious to see the damage. Ill let you all know when i get them and will post them somewhere.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2003
Re: Hackberry Rod and Gun/LA

Yea the bad part about all this is that the entire coast of Lousiana is destroyed. All the news shows is New Orleans. That palce is not that bad, compared to all the people that lost entire towns and fishing villages to this storm.The pictures you see on the links that I posted are what our entire coast looks like now from 60 mile inland to the Gulf. It will take 10 years to get back to normal, heck most of the towns down in Extreme South Louisiana have not even started to cleanup yet because the roads are completly gone!!! There are giant ships in the paths where the road once was. And let us not forget Mississippi, They were totally destroyed. Nothing left standing that does not have to be tore down from the coast to about 5 miles inland.<br />Good luck to all and They all have our prayers!!!