GW: God made me do it?


Sep 29, 2002
Palestinian: Bush spoke of Iraq as divine mission<br />07 Oct 2005 09:38:35 GMT<br />Source: Reuters<br />JERUSALEM, Oct 7 (Reuters) - A Palestinian leader quoted George W. Bush as saying God told him to invade Iraq, but said he did not take the U.S. president's comment literally and saw it only as a reflection of his faith and commitment.<br /><br />The White House dismissed as "absurd" the remarks attributed to Bush by Deputy Prime Minister Nabil Shaath in a BBC documentary series recounting a June 2003 meeting he attended along with Mahmoud Abbas, now Palestinian president.<br /><br />Shaath said he stood by his recollection of Bush saying he had been "driven with a mission from God" when he sent U.S. troops into Iraq and Afghanistan and also lent his support to the eventual creation of a Palestinian state.<br /><br />But Shaath told Reuters on Friday: "We never thought that he literally had God speaking to him".<br /><br />In advance excerpts from the television series "Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs" to be broadcast this month, Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan'.<br /><br />"And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did.<br /><br />"And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And by God I'm gonna do it'," Shaath quotes him as saying.<br /><br />In response, White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters in Washington: "He's never made such comments."<br /><br />Shaath, who at the time was foreign minister under then- prime minister Abbas, confirmed what he had told the BBC.<br /><br />But he added: "It was really a figure of speech (by Bush). We felt he was saying that he had a mission, a commitment, his faith in God would inspire him ... rather than a metaphysical whisper in his ear."<br /><br />In journalist Bob Woodward's book, "Plan of Attack," which describes the run-up to the Iraq war and is based on interviews with senior U.S. officials including Bush, the president says he appeals to God for strength when facing tough decisions but does not use God to justify decisions he makes.<br /><br />The book says Bush, a devout Christian, said he tries to be a messenger of God's will but does not seek to justify the war based on God. (Reporting by Matt Spetalnick in Jerusalem and Wafa Amr in Ramallah)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: GW: God made me do it?

Evangelicals talk like this all the time, and they dont mean that god talked to them personally.<br /><br />Its just a figure of speech.<br /><br />Ken


Re: GW: God made me do it?

I tend to believe the President, not some Palastinian leader.<br /><br />If if it were true, which it isn't, we respect the views of a suicide bomber when their god told them to do whatever they do.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: GW: God made me do it?

I don't believe anything W says. Though I do believe he listens for God to talk to him. Why else would he always have that, I just crapped my pants, look on his face?


Re: GW: God made me do it?

Evangelicals talk like this all the time, and they dont mean that god talked to them personally.<br />
That's a very bold statement. You don't know that, neither do I, nor does anyone, except the recipient.


Aug 2, 2005
Re: GW: God made me do it?

Let's see, Palastinian leader quote reported by the BBC... Oh yeah, plenty of credibility there. :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: GW: God made me do it?

DJ,<br /><br />Which part is the "bold" part? "Evangelicals talk like that all the time" or "they don't mean God talked to them personally"?<br /><br />I only ask because if you watch Evangelicals, they do mention often the God has talked to them directly. I also believe they want us to interpret that as a direct contact from God as though there was a conversation. I don't think they want us to believe it to be a figure of speech.


Re: GW: God made me do it?

Many feel that God has talked to/touched them. <br /><br />Who are we to dispute that?


Nov 29, 2000
Re: GW: God made me do it?

Just another thing for the Bush hating crowd to get lathered up about. Its a sad thing when one mentions their faith and what role it plays in their daily life and they are marginalized as a result. Yet I am a noble patriot when I stand up for abortion (killing babies) and same sex marriage.<br /><br />when we look at this article we also have to realize what lense the palestinians view the world through. I am not an expert in what this view looks like, but I have a sense it is much different than what an American would see.

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: GW: God made me do it?

It was said that God and Moses had a talk, millions of people believe that.<br /><br />Some folks say that the Devil or Satan told them to commit whatever act it was that they've committed, and lots of people believe that too.<br /><br />Personally i don't believe any of that hogwash.


Re: GW: God made me do it?

Elmer,<br /><br />Your opinion doesn't make fact or fiction, either way.<br /><br />Nor does mine.<br /><br />You have the strong arm of the government forcing your opinion on me, and many others.

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: GW: God made me do it?

DJ wrote: "You have the strong arm of the government forcing your opinion on me, and many others."<br /><br />I don't see my opinion forced on anyone as a fact, as you yourself said " Elmer,<br /><br />Your opinion doesn't make fact or fiction, either way."<br /><br />The government we get is the very government which we vote for, if one does not like it then one waits for the four year term to end and vote in the one which is preferable to one, is'nt that how it works?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: GW: God made me do it?

DJ,<br /><br />
Many feel that God has talked to/touched them. <br /><br />Who are we to dispute that?<br />
I'm not disputing that. I believe it. I just did not know what your difference was with KIZ.<br /><br />Roger,<br /><br />Bush can be as faithful as he wants, but if something like the quotes were said then I am affected by it also. I for one am skeptical that God would call on us to send troops into Iraq and Afghanistan for the purpose of killing. I believe God would have chosen a more peaceful way. Those quotes are heard by many middle easterners which in turn believe we all must be hearing the same thing if we are Christians. <br /><br />Then we wonder why we are hated here in the US. <br /><br />You say the quotes are not true - fair enough. However, I have heard Bush refer to God many times during his speeches. I have even heard him refer to this liberation mission as a "crusade". Check the biblical meaning of a crusade. One definition is "any of the more or less continuous military expeditions in the 11th to 13th centuries when Christian powers of Europe tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims". <br /><br /> That taped and rebroadcast footage to the middle east, paired with the word of mouth of a middle east leader is all the evidence the middle east needs to believe we are evil and wish to destroy them.<br /><br />Again, I could care less about the amount of faith GW has, but there are many on the other side of the globe listening to every word from his mouth and will use it against you, myself or any other Christian. In their eyes, suicide bombers do not kill innocent people, they kill Christians, and in their eyes, Christians are all evil.<br /><br />I would prefer GW leave God out of it.

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: GW: God made me do it?

CJY, It is my belief that suicide bombers are people that have allowed themselves to be brainedwashed and manipulated by evil minded mass murdering criminals who would like nothing better than to act as some form of divinity over mankind.<br /><br />These bottom feeders do not care who lives or die, wether it is muslim, christian, jew or anyone or anything else, they are really the scum of the earth.<br /><br />As far as GWB and the "God made me do it" crap goes, i have never heard him said so personally, and i've been listening to the things that GWB has been saying since he ran for Gov of TX, and never once have i ever heard him say God made me do anything. This kind of talk is all a bunch of hear say, not fact.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: GW: God made me do it?

If any of you would be in Jerusalem,you would feel spirituality seeping out of the rocks around you.If Bush said those things,in those words,he may well have been in tune with the general atmosphere there.<br />I do doubt that Bush would discuss his rationale about going to war with some third rate politicians,but maybe with Clintons very succesful religious/spiritual middle east policy approach in mind, he tried to shape a religious feeling during the discussions.


Re: GW: God made me do it?

My point to KIZ is that he is stating as if it does NOT happen. Again, how do we know.<br /><br />
That taped and rebroadcast footage to the middle east, paired with the word of mouth of a middle east leader is all the evidence the middle east needs to believe we are evil and wish to destroy them.<br />
That won't be the first lie they have believed. How in the world can we protect against the lies of a someone that is our enemy?<br /><br />The whole point is that it is PROBABLY not true. It's being taken here as if it is indeed true, JUST because GWB is a man of faith.<br /><br />Did GWB EVER say that GOD told him to invade Iraq--NO!!!!! The comparison to the Crusades is irrelevant. We are NOT in Iraq to spread Christianity. Freedom-yes, Christianity-NO.<br /><br />We, yes, WE, invaded Iraq because Sadaam was a madman that was hell bent to destroy us and our allie-Isreal. Part of it may have been personal. Remember, Saddam tried to assassinate his father. Enough reason for me. His father was a head of state.


Nov 29, 2000
Re: GW: God made me do it?

CJY, I don't necessarily disagree with you. I think your statements very well agree with my statements about the lens that these people view the world through. I do not believe the representation of GW's statements are accurate or at least what he meant to convey.<br /><br />Bush did use the term 'Crusade' once. And then realized what a mistake that was. A crusade to us Americans does not have the same meaning as it does to muslims.<br /><br />If the Arab media is playing that over and over, it is nothing Bush can control. Maybe our media should be replaying the beheadings and the 9/11 films over and over so that the people in this country do not forget what monsters we are dealing with.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: GW: God made me do it?

Roger, <br /><br />Your final point was well taken, we are dealing with some terrible people. I do agree, using the word "crusade" is done and W can do nothing about it today. However, he has to stop speaking from the hip, as this is usually the time he makes very uninformed statements(I am being kind here). Statements which add fuel to the fire in the middle east.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: GW: God made me do it?

Originally posted by CJY:<br /> <br /><br />I would prefer GW leave God out of it.
I have a problem with this considering that many people in this country are choosing to take God out of it... When this country was built around. <br /> If he said it, which I don't believe, then I would have to say it was just not heard the same over there.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: GW: God made me do it?

Not to worry, folks. We've dispatched Karen Hughes to go over there and repair our reputation in the mid-east.<br /><br />Now if that wasn't divinely inspired, I don't know what is!