Supreme Mariner
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- Aug 16, 2003
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Why shouldn't we apply the same logic to Pleasure Boats as many fearful people do to Firearms?<br /><br />It would be interesting to know how many people are injured, maimed or killed each year, in Western Civilization, by Pleasure Boats. Now, we know that we can't include automobiles in this comparison. We've already had our mean, nasty (only mean, nasty, misguided rightwing extremists want guns) hands slapped over that one. After all, aren't automobiles necessary?<br /><br />Well, Pleasure Boats are sure not necessary and even though I don't have any statistics, I would bet that they cause more injury and death than Pleasure Guns.<br /><br />Those mean nasty boats must also injure and kill their share of innocent young Chirdren (former Surgeon General speak). Why, look at Scott What's His Names boat. It even killed an unborn child.(oh, Heaven forbid that anything/body would do that)<br /><br />Let's not overlook the toll on God's finned creatures too. How cruel it is that boats are responsible for shooting those eeeevil little hooks into the mouths of so many tons of fish. Is that any different than the cruelty to land animals perpatrated by Firearms?<br /><br />We must not overlook the fact that there is not even any arguable protection, in the US Constitution, for the right to own a boat.<br /><br />Oh my oh my! I almost forgot pollution. Just think of all the carbon dioxide, monoxide yada, yada, yada that boats spew out into the PRISTINE environment. Oh no! Think of all the empty oil cans and abandoned hulks that liter the landscape. All the non-biodegradable refuse that fill up Mother Earth. She must just be groaning at the onslaught. Firearms don't even begin to match this record.<br /><br />Pleasure Boats are also responsible for the gross excercise of individualism and self reliance. A definite no no into today's culture of Village Conformity and consciousness.
<br /><br />Adding it all up, I think it's time for the Gument to start rounding up all the Pleasure Boats. Maybe they can offer a cash reward if you turn yours in voluntarily.<br /><br />I think it is high time that we catch up with the rest of the Western World in having our Gument make these critical decisions on our behalf and then convincing us of the rightness and kindness of it all.