Anyone else located near Pensacola, FL?
Know any good spots to go out and enjoy, if so?
We went out to Pensacola Pass on Saturday to the little cover there and it was nice (Blue Angels were practicing above us) but a little crowded.
We went up Blackwater River on Sunday hunting for a Sandbar/Beach, but most all of them were full and crazy people running full throttle past everyone beached up and slamming their boats aground.
I'm thinking of putting in at Navarre Beach this Saturday and running toward Destin FL to try and find a nice little island with few(er) people, but am hoping someone else out there has some good suggestions.
Know any good spots to go out and enjoy, if so?
We went out to Pensacola Pass on Saturday to the little cover there and it was nice (Blue Angels were practicing above us) but a little crowded.
We went up Blackwater River on Sunday hunting for a Sandbar/Beach, but most all of them were full and crazy people running full throttle past everyone beached up and slamming their boats aground.
I'm thinking of putting in at Navarre Beach this Saturday and running toward Destin FL to try and find a nice little island with few(er) people, but am hoping someone else out there has some good suggestions.