Re: Grease???
On greasing Bearing Buddies on your boat trailer.<br /><br />I blew my axle grease seals by putting too much grease pressure on my buddies on one boat trailer.<br /><br />They are supplied with a spring loaded disc which contains the zerk. The proper position is to apply grease till the disc moves midway toward you. As the grease is absorbed into the axle, the spring pressure will push the disc toward the inside. Add more grease till centered.<br /><br />Continue this till it quits moving.. May take several trips to the water before it stops. You are full then.<br /><br />If the disc remains centered, water isn't going to get in because the whole thing is full of grease.<br /><br />I used to service mine annually by completely removing everything, washing, reinstalling, and regreasing.....with a new seal. Have a different type now so I don't have to.<br /><br />Grease should be recommended for boat trailers..Pennzoil has it as does Lubriplate to name 2.<br /><br />One word of caution. If you have buddies and remove them, be sure the mating surfaces between the hub and buddy are clean, dry, and free of grease. Also insure that you drive the buddy completely on to the point where it butts against the axle.<br /><br />I threw one off one time (different trailer than the seal problem) and the only thing I could think of was the fact that I greased that mating surface up real good before I put it back on and apparently that wasn't the thing to do.<br /><br />Doubt that grease pressure did it as I had the disc centered.<br /><br />Also the (a) plastic cap really helps to keep the dirt out and is a secondary protective device to reduce the possibility of water intrusion. May come with your buddies or you can buy them at your marine dealer.<br /><br />HTH<br /><br />Mark