grease the gimbal bearing

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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 25, 2001
87 searay 235 hours on it ,it sat for two years ,i just bought it ,runs good but the gimbal bearing sounds a little noisey.i grease the fitting on the side of the outdrive ,i did quit it a little .the ? is how much grease can i put in it ,and would it be better to have the engine running. <br /> thanks<br /> bob moore


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

I think you would get much better responce if you let people know what you are talking about.<br />Engine Make, Model, Year, at least.<br />What is a Gimbal Bearing??<br />Are you talking about tilt pivots???


Nov 17, 2001
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

He's talking Mercrusier?<br /><br />If its still noisy its time to replace. Put five or six pumps of grease in it. No need for engine to be running. When is the last time you greased the u-joints? You have to pull the drive to do that.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 25, 2001
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

thanks trent.i just bought the boat,its got the 5.7 in it ,before the boat sat for two years it was service pretty regular,i did apply more grease to it and the noise is just about if i can get the rest of the season out of it .which is only 3 more months i,ll pull the whole back end off,and replace all.<br /> thanks again<br /> bob<br /><br /> glad you knew what i was talking about


Jun 26, 2002
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

I would pull the outdrive off and check the bearing and u-joints. If your gimbal bearing was that dry I would guess the u-joints are dry as well. The only way to grease the u-joints is to yank the outdrive. It is a simple procedure and for the cost of a gasket may save you some dinero.


Jun 25, 2002
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

Countrybois,<br />This may be a stupid question, .....but what gasket are you referring to? I don't see any gaskets being used from the upper unit and the gimbal housing, just a grease seal between the gimbal bearing and the inside of the housing.<br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />Adriano


Jun 26, 2002
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

There should be a gasket between the outdrive and the bell housing. Was there any oil/water in the driveshaft bellows?


Nov 17, 2001
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

Countrybois is talking about this gasket kit that is used to re-install the outdrive.


Jun 25, 2002
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

Umm! Maybe I need you guy's to help me a little further (please forgive ignorance).<br /><br />But looking at the parts break-out, the drive upper shaft (ujoints and all) is connected to the gimbal housing by what appears to be 2 bolts (one each on either side of outdrive, which would cause the shaft to come sliding out when removed.<br /><br />Now before I royally screw-up, what is going to cause the gasket to be replaced?<br />I am under the "novice" impression that the bearing is pressed/pushed on the Gimbal housing and that the shaft then is pushed through the bearing to connect to the engine transfer shaft......<br /><br />Looking at the part break-out drawing the gasket has to do with the outdrive upper, where the shaft enters the upper part itself, not the gimbal......????<br /><br />Adriano


Nov 17, 2001
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

Your are talking Mercrusier?<br /><br /> <br />Below you will find information on removal and replacement of Mercruiser outdrives, series # 1 and Alpha Gen I's. <br /><br /> <br /> <br /> REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF OUTDRIVES ON MERCRUISER #1 AND ALPHA GEN I<br /><br />REMOVAL OF OUTDRIVE<br /><br />1) Start with outdrive down and control box in forward gear.<br /><br />2) Remove the nuts holding the rearward trim & tilt cylinder anchor pin, save parts.<br /><br />3) Pull the trim & tilt cylinder heads off of the rear pin, save parts.<br /><br />4) Remove the six 5/8 locking nuts & washers from the outdrive at the bell housing, save parts.<br /><br />5) Bump the unit downward or lift & drop it lightly to break the seal between the drive and bell housing.<br /><br />6) Pull rearward on the unit and it should fall into your arms. (Be careful, they are heavy. We suggest two people for this step.)<br /><br />7) Clean surfaces of drive and bell housing.<br /><br />If you encounter problems in pulling off the drive in step 6 above. <br /><br />If it wouldn't come off, there are several tricks to remove it. They are listed below in order of difficulty.<br /><br />1) Try a piece of wood or metal across the two ears at the bottom of the ring, lift and drop the unit on it. <br /><br />2) Try a piece of wood or metal between the cap front and ring, then lift the unit up to hit it. <br /><br />3) Last resort, jam a piece of wood between cap and ring, put the rams back on and trim up. <br /><br />All of the above steps help push the unit outward and off. If the problem is that the gimbal bearing has become stuck on the shaft, (a common problem) the bearing might still be there when the unit comes free <br /><br />REPLACEMENT OF OUTDRIVE<br /><br />1) After checking gimbal bearing and bellows for leaks, install new outdrive mounting set. <br /><br />2) Use a recommended sealant / glue on the large square 'O' ring to the shoulder in the bell. <br /><br />3) Use a recommended sealant / glue in the water passage in the groove on the bell.<br /><br />4) Replace the "O" rings on the shaft of the drive. <br /><br />5) Use a recommended sealant on the outdrive gasket and place it over the studs of the bell. <br /><br />Unless you have an outdrive mounting dolly, two people will be required for the next steps.<br /><br />6) Stand the unit upright and rotate the brass shifter (intermediate shift shaft) clockwise looking down. <br /><br />7) The travel of the shifter should be from 10:00 to 12:00 looking down, 12:00 being straight ahead. <br /><br />8) Roughly speaking, the shifting should be center of boat forward or 12:00, 11:00 neutral, 10:00 reverse. <br /><br />9) The shift box in the boat should still be in forward. <br /><br />10) As you rotate the shifter clockwise, turn the prop counter clock wise until it locks. <br /><br />Never allow the prop to go clockwise or it will rotate the shifter out of position. If this happens go back to 10. <br /><br />On the bell housing of the transom plate is the shift arm with a roller on it. The aluminum slide piece on the cable tip has two arms, which go to the top with the arms inward.<br /><br />11) Place the roller from the shift arm between these two arms. The track below the shift shaft should be facing straight ahead. This is where the top of the brass shifter on the drive slides in upon installation.<br /><br />12) With the drive in forward (step 10) guide the tip of the drive yoke through the gimble bearing. <br /><br />13) Slide the unit forward. As soon as it reaches the shift slide, guide the slide into the square hole on the drive. <br /><br />14) Look in the right side and recheck the shift arm position and roller position (step 11). <br /><br />15) Slide the unit forward until the main shaft hits the coupler spline. It may not go in at this point. <br /><br />16) Keep pressure forward (inward) on the outdrive. Turn the prop counter clockwise, (it will be hard). This will rotate the shaft. Continue this until it slides in, keeping pressure inward as you turn. <br /><br />17) Once the shaft goes into the coupler the unit will no longer turn counter clockwise. Do not force it. <br /><br />18) Bump the unit forward with the palms of your hands until the drive seats, recheck the roller (step 11). <br /><br />19) If the unit resists installation, lift the unit and check that the track on the upper shift is straight and that the brass shifter is going into it smoothly and straight. <br /><br />20) Bump the unit the rest of the way on and replace the nuts and washers. <br /><br />It is good to check the shifting after only two nuts are applied. If removal is required it saves time. <br /><br />21) Replace the trim rams and bushings.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Look about where "B" is on both sides of the drive. These are the six nuts that have to be removed to pull the drive; along with the trim rams that are connected at "C".<br />


Jun 25, 2002
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

Thanks Trent, awesome the 4th work takes place :) maybe thanks to your instructions a'll go well.<br />Adriano


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 21, 2002
Re: grease the gimbal bearing

Dang !!!<br /><br />I say Trent needs a promotion to Admiral for that reply. :cool: <br /><br />**** nice post...
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