Re: GPS waypoint conversion
Gil, you can have degrees/minutes/seconds, degrees/minuntes/tenths and hundredths of minutes, or degrees/minutes/tenths, hundredths, and thousands of minutes. It sound like from JW's post that his new machine is the latter and his old machine only goes to hundredths. If that is the case he can simply leave off the 3rd digit in conversion and add a 0. That would be no less accurate than his older GPS. Your point about knowing the difference between minutes and tenths of minutes / and minutes and seconds is a good one as they won't convert as easily. You can tell what format you have on your GPS by looking at the tic marks. If your GPS is set up in minutes and tenths of minutes it will look like this. 111*36.750'<br /><br />Minutes and seconds will look like this 111*36'45" Note, no decimal point, although some machines will give you tenths of a second or something like this 111*36'45.68" Also, obviously, the seconds will never exceed 59.99", whereas tenths of minutes will go to .999'<br /><br />Way overkill in my opinion
<br /><br />I like to leave my GPS in the seconds mode as a distance conversion can easily be made in your head with no math. Knowing 1 degree of latitude equals 60 nautical miles, 1 minute of latitude equals 2000 yards or 1 nautical mile, 6 seconds equals 1/10th of a mile and so on. It's useful when using charts in addition to a GPS.