Gps co-ords help!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 28, 2003
I wish to erect a fence.Not exactly a boating question but<br />My Garmin Gps-12 will manage the first set of co-ords ok.<br /> Are they as accurate as the second set?<br />If not what do the second set refer to?<br /><br />Here are the two sets of co-ords as follows<br />lat 35 36 52 long -80 27 31<br /><br />n681780 e1566477 <br />these have been supplied by the NC Rowan county web-site.<br />Many thanks

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: Gps co-ords help!

Peter1959628, Without looking at a map and plotting them down, I can't say for sure, but you probably have the same positions in two different formats. You can re-format that Garmin GPS12 to read the same numbers that the county gave you if that would make you feel better. Or those numbers the county gave you can be converted to Lat and Long. It could be pretty complicated if you are not at all familiar with GPS and position plotting in general. BTW, something does not look right with those numbers. The county gave you a North number and an East number. The other set you didn't write down a direction but you put a minus sign in front of the second number. I assume you are plotting a position in North Carolina? Give us some more details about what you are trying to do and we'll be able to help better.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 28, 2003
Re: Gps co-ords help!

ok thanks for the reply, managed on the web site to get an aerial view of my property,and surrounding.I was able to query from another property line to reference where my boundary should be so i could put the fence up.<br /><br />Hav'nt a clue on how/where these co-ords are derived from.<br />Found and printed the manual on-line for the gps 12 and will have to re-iniatilise tho get me back on track,this is because i was fiddling around to find numbers that matched and the northing seemed like 30 degs off! <br />Although i dont understand how to navigate i find them usefull to plot certain submerged stumps and it forewarns when approaching.Hope it has remebered where those waypoints are!<br />Having read some posts on accuracy it is interesting to say the least.Thanks again


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 19, 2003
Re: Gps co-ords help!

Peter,<br /><br />I have about the same situation here. I'm getting ready to cut out 25 or 30 acres of our place and give it to our son, he wants to build himself a house. If you use the Geodedic survey maps they are using some grid system that is way beyond me. I have no idea on earth why they aren't using latitude and longitude but they are not. At any rate I simply went out into the woods and found a couple of our property corners and saved them as waypoints and then came back here and plotted them on a map on the computer. Then my son and I sat down and tried to figure out where to lop off a chunk that he liked. <br /><br />One problem you have is that the GPS-12 is an older machine that doesn't have WAAS. That means that its not really going to be all that accurate. As I recall you should be good to about 20 meters or so, with WAAS that would be down to about 2 meters or so. With the GPSMap-76 (which is a WAAS machine) I can actually get the GPS indicated position to agree with the surveyed corner markers within a few feet at our place, but of course I would never use it to run a property line fence. <br /><br />Thom


Apr 1, 2004
Re: Gps co-ords help!

those other cordinantes are probably UTM cordinates, there are several site on the internet that explain them. Once you get a hand of them they are easier, faster and more precise than lat/long.