GP760 Will start, then stall...


Apr 23, 2014
Hey guys!

A few months ago with the help of this forum I got my 98 Yamaha GP760 Waverunner running like a champ!!! Once I got her running however, I noticed that no oil was being mixed in out of the holding tank. (Short story long this was part of the reason it wasn't running correctly before because the fuel oil mix was off) So I began premixing fuel and the problem was solved!

SO... after about a month of running it solid about 10-15 times a week with no problems I noticed that every time I parked the ski at my doc and come back out a few hours later, there would be some oil sitting in the hull. I essentially discovered that the bottom of the oil pump on the front of the stator cover was leaking some oil from the reservoir. So I ordered an oil pump block off kit, received it, and installed it the day before Fathers Day.

Of course with my luck when I go to let my Father take the ski out for some fun on Fathers Day... the ski starts acting up. The ski will start for a minute.. then stall right out even if I'm holding all the way down on the gas. I can get it to start and run if I shoot some starting fluid in it, but the second I let off the throttle and go to give it gas again it just dies right out. I don't get it. I checked all the standards... plugs are fine wires are fine battery is fine all is good but it just wont stay running!

Could my installation of the oil block off kit have something to do with this? Its the only thing I can think of. The kit came with two little rubber nipples that go over the sleeves where the oil lines from the oil pump used to connect to. I zip tied them down but could this somehow be affecting the carbs fuel to air ratio?

Also, do I need a different type/new fuel filter if I block off the oil pump and pre-mix my gas? Does the oil somehow clog the oem fuel filter?

Any help anyone can give is greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!