Gotta vent.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 24, 2008
I was at Berlin lake in Ohio on sunday. Kinda busy nothing out of the ordinary. The wife and I launch from the Bonner Rd public ramp (not a joke real name) we had some friends meetin us later so we cruise around for a bit. When I return to pick up my friend and his two kids there is an entire family of 7 standing on the one dock waiting for the guy with the truck to bring the trailer. One in the boat on the non ramp side sitting there,six on the dock doing nothing. They all looked to be under 18 but over 14. I pull up to pick up my bud and his 2 kids one is 8 the other 4. Not one of these jerk ()*ffs get out of the way. I had to say something for them to move over so they could make it to the end of the dock. As a parent of younger children under 10 are all teenagers self centered bags of D(&che or is there a break down in the parenting of these idiots. Almost all the kids I come in contact with that are 14 to 22 are morons, they need to wake up to the world around them. To top it all off I came under a bridge on our way back to the ramp,it was busy because it was drizzling and looked like it was going to get worse. Just after the bridge it opens into speed zone and the path under the bridge isnt very wide. After I clear the bridge I turn starboard to get out of the way and we start stowing gear and getting ready. Some young punk was laying under a tree with a case of beer and line in the water and gets all pissed because we didnt see him there and chucks a bottle at my boat. Im far enough from shore that didnt even come close. Had I seen him there I wouldve stopped somewhere else but dang chill out. YOur not catching walleye in July in the middle of a ski zone anyway.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2008
Re: Gotta vent.

There are some responsible, good hearted teenagers out there but they are getting harder and harder to find. Their parents should be comended for doing a good job. The rest however, that's a different story. If I acted that way when I was their age I would not be able to sit down to this day. Most of the kids I see now are spoiled, self absorbed and totaly oblivious to the fact that anyone other than themselves have needs or feelings. The bad thing is their parents have catered to their every want to the point that they feel the rest of the world should do the same. Just think, these are the people who will be running this country and taking care of us when we get older. Kind of makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside does'nt it?:eek:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Gotta vent.

Imagine what their parents must be like.


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: Gotta vent.

Funny, recently at our local lake we went to launch and there were 5 kids covering the very short dock all fishing. No sense or concern of what it is like to launch 3500lbs in an unaccomodating, poorly designed ramp with several kids in the way. I just killed them with kindness for fear of what they could do to our new tow vehicle or trailer. Amazing the lack of awareness kids have these days.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Gotta vent.

On the other hand, there are teens on the water who are very attuned with helping, getting out of the way, etc. They are the ones who started boating when they were 10, with a small boat (or helping with a bigger one) where they were engaged in the cleaning, painting, care, fixing and loading of the boats. The best of them are the small boat sailors. When they take ownership of the responsibility, and appreciate their skills, they act responsibly around others. They're the ones who would jump in your boat and get under your hood and have you off and running when you thought you were broke down.
They are the opposites of the ones who sit on their azz until it's time to sit in the boat, and leave as soon as the boat is near the trailer to go home. And they act the same way when they are adults. They are also not invited back to my boat.
I grant you, the good ones are harder and harder to find, but they're out there. They include my daughters and their friends.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 9, 2009
Re: Gotta vent.

The other day there were a few teens swimming on the ramp, i kept yelling "get off the fkin ramp im pulling my boat out" they would not listen till they saw my trailer rolling towards them ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Gotta vent.

We need a law that allows the shooting of morons,... Oh sorry, wrong forum...:eek:

Thank God there are responsible kids, teenagers and young adults out there. We just don't see them because they're working, going to school or plainly staying out of the way of 6,000 lb trucks and 5,000 lb boats and people like me with firearms (oh, sorry again, wrong forum;)). They will be ones to lead us out of this mess.