Good Samaritan......


Jun 7, 2004
Had a great first time out on the CT River today. Was originally intending to anchor and work on setting up the in-hull transducer, but just decided to cruise and relax as I am playing bachelor for the week while the wife and kids are out of town. <br /><br />Ended up I had only gone about a mile upriver when I ran into someone who had run over a log and knocked out their drive. Apparently their VHF was out too and they were trying to reach someone on a cellphone. I was not sure if they were waving at me or trying to flag me down although they were anchored dead center of the channel which did give me some indication there might be a problem. Several other boats passed on by but I decided to stop as I would hope someone would for me.<br /><br />They had launched out of Rocky Hill which was about 12 miles upriver. I told them I would go ahead and tow them and at the same time I could pass the time by scoping out the sights I had never seen before. Ended up being almost 3 hours and the guy and his son were grateful beyond imagination. <br /><br />Once I got him there he offered me money and I told him just to do a good deed for the next boater who needed help and pass it on. He continued to insist and I told him I'd take $40 then to cover fuel. Ended up he only had a $100 and insisted I take it as he said Sea Tow would have likely charged him more than double that.<br /><br />Also, there were several amusing and troubling things I encountered on the way up and back. Several people were anchored mid-channel and seemed to either not realize it or not care. Many boats passed me to the starboard even though I stayed on the far right side of the channel all the way up and back. Most people seem to be polite and cordial as I tend to wave at nearly everyone I pass and that was a good sign to me as on land that friendliness does not seem to be in as great an abundance. The launch area at Haddam is great, plenty of room, and lots of time for a self-launcher as well as plenty of parking. All in all a great time today.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2003
Re: Good Samaritan......

thefoyboy, you've done well. I've been stranded on several occasions. There's no better feeling then having someone stop and give assistance. When someone is in distress, I always stop and lend a hand. It's good karma. I tip my hat to you! Keep up the goodwill.


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Good Samaritan......

Brings to mind a story - We were over to Elliot Key for the day (about 6 miles from the marina). On the way back and about a 1/2 mile from the marina I saw a couple in a Zodiac type boat with the engine cover off waving at me. When I went over to help I saw that he was an older guy with a well endowed young lass. I offered to tow him to the ramp. He told me that he wanted a tow back to Elliot to their yacht as he had run out of both booze and gas. I could see that if he (or the gal) had breathed into their gas tank that their motor would have fired right up and flew accross the water. I went on to the marina and told the dockmaster of their plight.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 1, 2004
Re: Good Samaritan......

This doesn't apply to the cases cited here, but if you render assistance to a vessel which is in immediate danger (tow someone about to smash up on rocks, dewater a sinking boat, etc), it is legally salvage and you are entitled to a lot more than a $100 bill. <br /><br />In any case, I too was towed once by a samaritan who refused money, and I intend to return the favor the next time I see someone in a similar situation.