Good earmuffs for Volvo Penta?


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 4, 2012
I have a 2000 V-P dual-prop outdrive. I bought some earmuffs from West Marine 2 years ago and they said they would work just fine. However, about ? of the time the pump cannot draw the hose water up high enough for the water to circulate. I think the problem is that these earmuffs don't fit and let in too much air. As soon as I put the boat in the water, all is fine. I put in a new water pump/impeller this year and it's the same thing. I have tried putting a bungee around them but I can see that still about ? of the slots aren't getting water. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas would be appreciated.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: Good earmuffs for Volvo Penta?

Look on the bottom of the drive on the front of the nosecone.
There might be a 1/2in hole that needs to be plugged when using the muffs.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Good earmuffs for Volvo Penta?

Look on the bottom of the drive on the front of the nosecone.
There might be a 1/2in hole that needs to be plugged when using the muffs.
Not on his drive. That was for older 290/270 drives.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 4, 2012
Re: Good earmuffs for Volvo Penta?

Thank you. They look very similar to mine. On my drive, there isn't enough room because of the props. I might have to remove the props before flushing the engine. That seems like a real pain. What I did this year is remove the hose clamp from the top of the water intake hose inside the engine compartment. A short piece of ⅝ hose just fits inside that hole. It's easy to run the water there and check to be sure the water pump is working OK. The guy at the V-P dealership here said he uses that access point to pump in glycol in the Fall for winterization on boats that don't work well with earmuffs. He said to just go ahead and put the boat in the water, which I did. Yesterday I went to Seldovia and back (40 miles +/-) and the temp stayed normal the whole time. At his shop they have several pairs of earmuffs laying around that look just like the ones in your Post. When I bought the boat 3 years ago in October, the winterization had been done and the props were off.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Good earmuffs for Volvo Penta?

I have a duo prop Volvo and I fit them through there just fine with the props on.