Re: GM Trailer Wiring Help Please
i just thought about something else... hope you print this stuff out to refer to, since there are many variables here.<br />when you say brn, brn/yellow,brn/green - are you talking about 3 wires or 5 ?!! (i'd forgotten about the NZ info on other posts)<br />IF you're talking about 5 wires,with the brn/yellow&brn/green being 2wirestrips, then probably the ambers are 2filaments, with 1=taillights,1=t/signal,and then the reds have 1 wire used for brakes(bright lights i hope). This might be used in some places, dunno if amber taillights are legal. And you'd need the converter box (from other posts). But you didn't really give related info, like: Do you HAVE to get this boat home with it 'as is', or 'you can't install new fixtures/converter' where it is? For an emergency/temporary situation, i guess you might connect:<br />truck trailer<br />-------------------------<br />white white(or screw on frame/gnd)<br />yellow yellow<br />green green<br />brn both brns with green/yellow<br />(this would give dim amber=taillights, bright amber=brake & t/signal lights)<br />or<br />white same/ground<br />yellow yellow<br />green green<br />brn single brown wire<br />(this would give red taillights-maybe bright tho,amber brake & t/signal lights)<br />whew! the only other option i guess not covered.............<br />driver red=brn/yellow(2wire strip)<br />passg red=brn/green (same)<br />both ambers = brns into 1 at front<br />(still need a converterbox)emergency=<br />truck trailer<br />----------------------<br />white gnd/white/trailerframe<br />yellow yellow<br />green green<br />brn single brn<br />(this gives red brakes & t/signal, amber taillights)<br />did i leave out sumthin? good luck