Give Lenin a chance!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Well, the French did and now they are paying the price. Chirac just signed a law that, now get this, allows employers to fire employees. How absolutely revolutionary. I'll bet this act ranks right up there with the French Revolution.<br /><br />I'll bet if you asked Chirac, he would tell you that the French pioneered this revolutionary idea.<br /><br />Americas's Left! Are you listening? Where the French, with their penchant for running backward have been, is where you want to go!!! :rolleyes:


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

wow boomyal dont get out much.<br /> I bet he has never seen the hoops ya gotta junp through here in the US to fire a deadbeat union worker or better yet a federal GS 10 or above.<br /> an act of got or at least both houses of congress are nessasary.<br /> and the wuss that Chirac is he actually made a concession, get this, that wusss actually says the employer must give a reason of termination.<br /> how backwards can a place get. now if the french were forward thinkers like China or central anerica not only could a worker that got hurt on the job be fired for getting hurt, they can withold the last paycheck to offset any damage to the machine.<br /> could ya imagine how much better off the US would be if the boss could fire anyone at anytime for anyreason or no paticular reason at all?<br /> just think of all the dead weight IBM,GM, ford, and many other low paying employers could sack.<br /> I am sure a "Guest" worker could be rapidly trained to replace them, I hear Inia has some replacements and will bring their own mangoes.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

Originally posted by rodbolt:<br /> ...could ya imagine how much better off the US would be if the boss could fire anyone at anytime for anyreason or no paticular reason at all?
ACTually RODbolt, that is, in fact the law of the land. Only the Unions keep it from being universally applied. (remember featherbedding?)<br />The law of the land is what is called "employee at will". <br /><br />The only non-union (another one of your left leaning favorites) requirements are that firing not be racial, gender or age biased. Otherwise, when I the employer think that you are not performing up to my expectations it is 'sayonora baby'. No recourse.<br /><br />You really ought to do your due diligence before you speak RODbolt.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

my left leaning favorites????<br /> your smoking that stuff again.<br />my theory is if your deadwood ya get smoked.<br /> I am all for non union work. <br /> the production shop I was a lead man at was non-union. my forman was wuss and gave me the task of firing and counseling workers.<br /> I hated it but it kept me in beans.<br /> I also had to show up at some of the unemployment hearings and defend the firing.<br />one of the girls in another department got fired, supposedly for a performance issue, actually got fired because she was pregnant by about 6 months, 6 weeks after giving birth she was rehired with a 35cent an hour increase.<br /> the reason I know is I accessed some of the interal memos that had been thoughtfully placed in the trash near the machine I operated on the 8pm to 7:30 am shift.<br /> that girl was also my wife.<br />the plant manager walked in one night and said if anyone did not meet production he would replace them with a 6 dollar an hour mexican, myself and 2 others quit that night. 2 weeks later we were back with a 50 cent raise,<br />they found out a 6 dollar an hour mexican could not program and set up a CNC lathe or mill nor repair it after a 6 dollar an hour monkey crashed it.<br /> I spent 4 solid days replacing shear collars, turret alignment pins and resetting the X Y and Z axis points on the slide and tool carrige.<br /> took most of a day to repair the saw shed equipment.<br />so yes job security is a bad thing for the US, glad the french are showing us the way.<br /><br /> and by your age,gender and race card ya just blew the chirac thing, his law ONLY applies to young workers, he forgot about the old ones for now.<br />but I guess not reading and understanding any news and basing your decisions all on Rush and scarboro country is the right wing conservative way.<br /> it balances the left I guess.<br /> <br />glad I am niether


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

Originally posted by rodbolt:<br />....his law ONLY applies to young workers,
Well rodbolt, that's at least a move in the right direction, isn't it? Young workers grow up to be older workers. A country that is so moribund that they are about to sink in their own socialist excrement. Do you really think that they could have started with the mid-aged workers?<br /><br />...BTW,we could do well in this country by lowering the minimum wage for comrades under the age of XX. Would you want to hire an inner city goofball to sweep your floors for 7ish dollars an hour?


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

actually I support removing minimum wage standards altogether, everytime they raise the minimum the price of everything else goes up.<br /> all BS aside I knew a maint manager"janitor" at general dynamics in Ft Worth that was knocking back 18 bux an hour pushing a broom and cleaning the heads. he had 27 some odd years when he finally retired about 89 or 90. he started and finnished his carrer pushing a broom and cleaning office and bathroom spaces.<br />and while he did quite well I could not see the value of the work to the pay, however union rules and tenure paid him well.<br />and while texas is a right to work state in a place like GD,now Boeing or lockheed, cant remember which, if you did not join the union you did not last long. been there done that got the pay stubs.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

I believe the new law in France only applies to people under 26 years old. Many employers will not hire “youth” because they are an unknown quantity and if it turns out they suck as employs it is near impossible to get rid of them.<br /><br />Fwiw, Mexico, the fine socialist state to the south, has similar employment laws as France, and thus similar unemployment stats as France, and thus the necessity (in part) for the illegal migration to the north in search of employment opportunities.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

Originally posted by rodbolt:<br /> actually I support removing minimum wage standards altogether, everytime they raise the minimum the price of everything else goes up.<br /> all BS aside I knew a maint manager"janitor" at general dynamics in Ft Worth that was knocking back 18 bux an hour pushing a broom and cleaning the heads. he had 27 some odd years when he finally retired about 89 or 90. he started and finnished his carrer pushing a broom and cleaning office and bathroom spaces.<br />and while he did quite well I could not see the value of the work to the pay, however union rules and tenure paid him well.
Agree 100% on the minimum wage. Minimum wages are for entry level jobs or people who want to keep busy and earn a few extra bucks.<br />What ever the business owner wants to pay should be good enough.<br /><br />In 2006 Unions suck! (For the most part they always have)<br /><br />I have friends who used to make 18 dollars a hour to sit all day long on thier butts and read books while being security gaurds at the UW.<br /><br />Three years ago to get a pay raise they joined a Union! 2003 LOL <br />First year that dropped their take home pay after Union dues dropped to 16 Dollars a hour..three years later they are making (after three pay raises) $24.00 a hour! Except each year the Union dues went up excatly with the pay raise.<br /><br />They are still out the 2 bucks a hour from three years ago and the Union dues are collecting 8 Dollars a hour from each person. What a scam!


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Give Lenin a chance!

Unions have and can serve a service to their members. Unfortunately they are nothing more than extortionists in many cases. And now GM is going to go belly up thanks to the unreasonable burdens applied to them by these unions. Try and fire a teacher. Forgetaboutit. The persons entrusted to our youth subscribe to the French model. Check your local school records and see how many teachers have been released. The news is full of sick twists within our school systems. And they can very well be in your schools but you will never know.<br /><br />I have to question the motives of union leaders these days. The unions are a good thing when opperated efficiently and in the best interest of the employees, but on the flip side they are to provide a benefit (the best workers) to the employers.<br /><br />At one of our manufacturing facilities I found out this week that if one of the people on the line call in sick, his place on the line cannot be replaced (to meet our manufacturing stream) unless he/she calls in for two consecutive days. In some cases this can shut down production for the day. Anyone want to explain this to me?<br /><br />Unions could make themselves relavent by providing value added aspects to the employer as well as the employee, and opperate under streamlined administrative procedures. As far as I can see the heads of todays modern unions are nothing more than theives and charletins for the unmotivated.<br /><br />Note to the unions as a member of a professional organization who decides on where national trade shows are to be held, we won't even consider cities with unions as the costs are so high. Somehow the shows manage to be held without union assistance. Not that the service provided isn't appreciated, but the price vs. value is so far out of whack that it isn't to be even considered.