Re: Give Lenin a chance!
my left leaning favorites????<br /> your smoking that stuff again.<br />my theory is if your deadwood ya get smoked.<br /> I am all for non union work. <br /> the production shop I was a lead man at was non-union. my forman was wuss and gave me the task of firing and counseling workers.<br /> I hated it but it kept me in beans.<br /> I also had to show up at some of the unemployment hearings and defend the firing.<br />one of the girls in another department got fired, supposedly for a performance issue, actually got fired because she was pregnant by about 6 months, 6 weeks after giving birth she was rehired with a 35cent an hour increase.<br /> the reason I know is I accessed some of the interal memos that had been thoughtfully placed in the trash near the machine I operated on the 8pm to 7:30 am shift.<br /> that girl was also my wife.<br />the plant manager walked in one night and said if anyone did not meet production he would replace them with a 6 dollar an hour mexican, myself and 2 others quit that night. 2 weeks later we were back with a 50 cent raise,<br />they found out a 6 dollar an hour mexican could not program and set up a CNC lathe or mill nor repair it after a 6 dollar an hour monkey crashed it.<br /> I spent 4 solid days replacing shear collars, turret alignment pins and resetting the X Y and Z axis points on the slide and tool carrige.<br /> took most of a day to repair the saw shed equipment.<br />so yes job security is a bad thing for the US, glad the french are showing us the way.<br /><br /> and by your age,gender and race card ya just blew the chirac thing, his law ONLY applies to young workers, he forgot about the old ones for now.<br />but I guess not reading and understanding any news and basing your decisions all on Rush and scarboro country is the right wing conservative way.<br /> it balances the left I guess.<br /> <br />glad I am niether