Ginding sound while backing....


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 19, 2005
I have had much help from this forum so here is a new concern that I could use more assistance with...

95' twin 200hp yami's

When backing today, one of the engines made a grinding sound and stalled. I restarted and backed again with the same grinding with very little to no backward movement. Put engine in forward and ran fine....reverse again, same grinding.

For some strange reason, after putting in forward-nuetral-reverse and few times, grinding stopped and backing resumed as normal. Used the boat in forward for several hours with no problems and backed many more times that day with no problem....go figure...

Maybe something wrapped around prop momentarily?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 30, 2007
Re: Ginding sound while backing....

I would drain the lower unit oil through a clean paper towel in a funnel to check for metal.

as expensive as lower units are, you might have the gearcase disassembled to check. gearcase problems can be contagious to other lower unit parts.

it might be time for shaft seals and water pump anyway.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 30, 2007
Re: Ginding sound while backing....

I would drain the lower unit oil through a clean paper towel in a funnel to check for metal.

take the shift cable loose and make sure the shift linkage moves easily. our johnson 200 has an impossible to reach grease fitting on part of the shifter that gets very stiff.

as expensive as lower units are, you might have the gearcase disassembled to check. gearcase problems can be contagious to other lower unit parts.

it might be time for shaft seals and water pump anyway.