I'm in the middle of replacing my gimbal bearing on an alpha one Gen 2. Got the new bearing in and I greased it. I noticed the grease is just coming out around the outer part of the bearing. Is that what it's supposed to do or is the grease hole blocked? My mark I made for the hole lines up. Wondering if maybe the thin "sleeve" on the outside turned a little blocking the hole? If that's not right what are the chances of pulling it back out and repressing it back in without ruining it?
Also not sure if it's a big deal or not but when I pulled the drive all the fluid drained out of the oil port. I see there is a check valve there but it must not be sealing. Is it an issue at all or is it just there to keep oil from leaking when the drive is pulled?
Also not sure if it's a big deal or not but when I pulled the drive all the fluid drained out of the oil port. I see there is a check valve there but it must not be sealing. Is it an issue at all or is it just there to keep oil from leaking when the drive is pulled?