getting my Suzuki dt75 running again after sitting three years


Sep 12, 2003
I have been given a 16.5 ft bass boat with a Suzuki DT75 engine, I have had the boat for three years and am just now getting around to trying to make it run again. The guy who gave it to me was a mechanic and had done a lot of work on it, but wasn't using it anymore and gave it to me. Anyway, I could use any advice from anybody about how to proceed, what to do, what not to do, etc. I am tempted to throw a battery on there and fire it up, but I read about someone else who didn't check the bearings first and ended up with hundreds of dollars of repairs that could have been easily avoided. Any input would be greatly appreciated, including websites and manuals that may be of some assistance. Thank you very much!<br /><br />Jimmy in Port St. Lucie, Florida Sept. 2003


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 18, 2002
Re: getting my Suzuki dt75 running again after sitting three years

Hi,<br />You probably need a new impeller (water pump rubber wheel) now since rubber weaken over time.<br /><br />New sparkplugs will not hurt.<br /><br />New oil in the oil injection tank, if equipped with such oil tank. To be on the safe side you can at first start with premixed gas-oil, use mixture 50 gas : 1 oil then. Later you can try only the oil injection. You do not want a 2-stroke to run without oil in the gas since it get the internal lubrication (bearings etc) with help of this oilmixture in the gas. It will not hurt if you get oil from both the built in oil injection system and your premixed fuel while just testing to see if the outboard starts etc.<br /><br />Change to new oil and plug gasket in lower unit. Remember You empty and fill (with went hole open) in lower hole in lower unit.<br /><br />Fresh gas and make sure tube, including the bulb, from tank to engine is OK.<br /><br />Hope the carburators are in good shape.<br /><br />Fresh battery and then I will fire it up with a watermuff over the water intakes + garden house with good water pressure. Just with neutral in. Remember if you have the NA12S control box you press in the ignition key at the same time you turn it clockwise to prime the engine so it (hopefully) get more gas when you start it cold. Also the lever is for raising the rpm while in neutral, can make coldstart little easier.<br /><br />Get a Clymer or Seloc manual (check the iboats Manuals link above) for Your Suzuki. There is also a owners manual (that came with your engine when new) and shop manual (more expensive, for mechanics) to buy if you want.<br /><br />I had until June this year a Suzuki DT65, year 1991 (I have a Yamaha F115 4-stroke now). I had all above manuals for my Suzuki.<br /><br />Good luck.<br /><br />/Bo


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 15, 2003
Re: getting my Suzuki dt75 running again after sitting three years

Replce impeller first. Get a manual to do so as it is trickey. The shift rod is attached under the carbs. Pull the carbs at the same time as it will be easy to put the shift rod back once you replace the Impeller. Use small amount of vasoline on the impeller when replacing. <br /><br />Take the carbs down, use gas as a solvent and pressured air to clean all ports / jets. All will come out with 10 mm wrench, clean out all, and all parts with gas, blow out and reinstall with new gaskets, use grease to hold them in place while attaching. Pull the oil container, pull the lines, clean with carb medic through to the intake jets, dum old oil, clean container, fill with new. <br /><br />Pull out plugs, clean or replace, regap, spray into clyinders with liquid wrench, load it up, let stand, turn crank by hand, 5 - 8 revs, the blow out with air, mixe a cup of gas and oil, 4 parts gas, 1 part oil, put 2-3 table spoons in all cylinders, move crank again, Make sure the battory is at full charge. Spray starter down with liquid wrench, by hand, move it, befor reinstall plugs, try to turn it over to see if it has spark, ground plugs to the motor, is good spark, install. Clean off all gas/ oil, install new gas finter, dump all old gas from the tank, pull the hose off the tank, replace if necessary. Pleace the end of the hose into a gas can. Pull off the gas filter, clean, reinstall, pull off inlet hose, pump clean gass through several times, reinstall, now pump up carbs, allow time for the fule to dry off, should start within two or three cranks. If not, pump the carbs up very tight, unitl you hear gas spraying into carbs, then try agin, shoudl start fine. <br /><br />All work will take about 6 hours, more if you are very diligent with cleaning. Make sure to use liquid wrench on all bolts before you start to pull them off. You will go through two - three can of wrench, 4 can air, (unless you have a compressor) and a quart of gas. <br /><br />Good Luck. <br /><br />If you did not learn anything today, you should have stayed in bed. <br /><br /> ;)