Getting back into fishing


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2008
I have not dropped a line in the water in over 15 years, so I'm looking for some help.

In the old days my fishing was on lakes in Ontario that ranged in size from being able to throw a rock across, to the Great Lakes and I generally used a lure or minnows on a hook.
Since I've decided to get back in the chase, I've been hearing from various people about different ways to catch fish, such as California/Florida/Virginia etc., rigs.
What are these set-ups? Are they all the same thing but with different names for different places?
And, has anybody ever used cream of wheat in a roe sack?

Just curious, thanks.


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 2, 2008
Re: Getting back into fishing

Any specific type of fishing? ie lures implies casting or trolling; minows on a hook implies still fishing & possibly trolling; roe sack implies standing in a stream with a flyrod. Any specific area? Inland? Offshore? I'm assuming freshwater....

Tom B.


Chief Petty Officer
May 14, 2010
Re: Getting back into fishing

I'd find a good tackle shop and spend sometime there, when they aren't to busy. Of course everyone in a tackle shop dosn't know what they are talking about, but usually SOMEBODY does and if you involve them in a conversation, info will come out. Have patience, I was a hard core fisherman for many years, then had no opportunity for a long time and recently got back into it. The first year, I was ready to give up, because of lack of success, this year, I am outfishing everybody and part of it, is because I DON"T know what will work, so I am trying things that nobody else is doing, because they know better! Google terms you have a question about.