getting a boat titled in Texas with no title


Nov 27, 2006
hey everyone, i new to the site and wanted to get some experts suggestions on a title issue that i have.

i bought a boat in seadrift Texas a few years back. it was in bad shape and have been fixing it for a while. then i got deployed a few times and i am trying to get the boat titled. I originally purchased the boat and trailer with no title. The guy i boat it from also bought the boat with no title. I know this is already bad stuff but it was a great deal. Anyway, i had a purchase agreement made up and it has been notarized, mind you this was back in November of 2006. I thought i had all the right documents from TPWD but when i get there (Temple, TX) the lady says they need to transfer the title to all hands that have purchased the boat before i can get a title. The guy who i have got the boat from is long gone. i did get a name for who the title was last known. All contact info lead to dead end after dead end. What is the process for apply for a bonded title and what documents are needed. Is there a way i can register a boat in another state which requires no title and then apply for title in Texas. I will actually be moving out of Texas in a few months to Missouri. I am not sure if they have the same law for boat titles. Where would i go to see if the boat is even stolen? It was last Registered back in 2001 according to records. Are there company's that i can pay to resolve this issue? Lawyers want a lot of money to do this and it would take close to 90 days to get title. My main objective it to be able to get the boat on the water legally. If the title take longer to get i can wait because i will keep it for a while. But i want to get her on the water. Please help with my title situation. I wish Texas was a little more user friendly about these situations.


Jun 10, 2006
Re: getting a boat titled in Texas with no title

I am in Missouri and can tell you they are probably no user friendly with no title. It can be done here, but not through jumping through hoops.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: getting a boat titled in Texas with no title

you will have to work this out with the Texas people. apparently Texas is one of the hardest states to register and untitled boat. do a search for texas title. there are many post on this subject.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: getting a boat titled in Texas with no title

Yep, it's a mess getting a boat titled here in Tejas. The bottom line is they want someone to pay every step of the way, so they can collect more fees for the state kitty....NOT user friendly at all. And they recently added titles for outboards to the mix, too. I've always had good results calling the main TPWD office in Austin, explaining my situation and then jumping through the hoops necessary to make it happen. It's a hassle, but what are you gonna do if you really want that boat on the water? Others will chime in soon with additional advice. Good luck and don't give up.