Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?


Mar 17, 2003
Is everyone going to give up on there Genesis's as MinKotka did, and take there trade down offer?<br />I sure hate to give up the Stow/Depoy feature.<br /><br />Just looking for opinions.<br /><br />StillFishin'


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Howdy, SF.<br /><br />Good question. I haven't decided yet either.<br /><br />Like you, I really like the powered deploy/stow. I had to lean over a bow rail on my Boston Whaler Montauk to deply/stow the AP that I replaced with the Genesis. That was a major pain when you move locations several times a day.<br /><br />But. . .the Genesis sure is heavy. That makes it hard to install (I don't know about you, but for me lifting it to shoulder height to mount it is very hard. It weighs about 75lb.) and it changed the balance of the boat enough to require me to relocate weight and to go down an inch on my prop pitch.<br /><br />Also. . .can I fix it or get it fixed if it breaks down?? Sounds like I can't. I never had any Minn-Kota fail before. What's the risk??<br /><br />But. . .We coughed up over a kilobuck for it and I sold the AP for a song. Now they ask me to go back to where I was. Not happy about that, but I guess it's the best they can do.<br /><br />I would like the offer better if they threw in the Co-Pilot with the AP. That danged foot pedal is a pain in the rump, too big and bulky and has too many different controls on it.<br /><br />If you have considered other pros or cons let me know. I am on the fence. :confused:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 3, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

StillFishin' or JB,<br />What is going on with the Genises? Have they discontinued them and are they having trouble with them? Just curious.


Mar 17, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

JB, I also got the Genesis to replaced my Auto pilot after it lost the main motherboard for the 3ed time. I agree it was a pain to get the AutoPilot in and out of the water. I hate to go back to a PowerDrive/AutoPilot(I think that's what they call it now). Maybe they've made some improvments but it sure looks similar to my old Autopilot. I'm really P^$%off about them dicontinuing it. They must have lost a fortune on it. With all the design work and time they put into it, you'd think they would keep it gooding. Anybody have any inside infro on this? When I called MK, they said it was do to slow sales but at the hefty price of it they must have known that now everybody was going to buy one.<br /><br />I also bothers me that If we don't trade down, they are only going to carry parts for 3 years. Hate to take a chance if it becomes broke and you can't get parts. <br /><br />Bummer, and after I thought long and hard about spending the big buckes for it.<br /><br />StillFishin'


Mar 17, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

TexSteeter150 and to others who may not know. Here's what I know. Correct me it I don't have something correct but this is what they will do for me.<br /><br />At sometime this summer/fall(I don't know the exact) date but MK decided to discontinue the Genesis line of TM's. I got wind of this in October by surfing the net and by chance happened across it. I called MK and the service rep(a she) said yes it's true. The reason she gave as slow sales and not that there were problems. They offered me almost any other TM I wanted at no charge. All I'd have to do is cut the cord to the foot pedal and send only the foot pedal in. If I didn't want to do this they said they'er only going to carry parts for 3 years. I sounded like this was a limited time offer. I said but my TM is "up North" and I'm not going back until next spring. She then talked to her sup. and she said OK but I'd have to call her in the spring.<br /><br />Anyone have a differant take on this?<br /><br />StillFishin'


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Hmmmm.<br /><br />Didn't know two things:<br /><br />1. Gonna carry parts for 3 years. That makes a difference to me. After a couple of years just lay in a set of spares.<br /><br />2. Only need to return the foot pedal assembly to get the AP. That also makes a difference. I might be able to use my BSEE to make a HAND controller for that dude, then if it breaks I just trash it. I would have the AP for quick substitution.<br /><br />The equation is still the same. . .add one plus and one minus for swapping. Still not a no-brainer is it? :confused:


Mar 17, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Hey JB, about the swap out, the bractets are differant even if you have the old one that fit the AP. That kinda made me ticked off when I got the Genesis and realized I had to redrill and remount the Genesis mount and on the water to boot!- wasn't prepared to do it but got the job done. So if I go for the downtrade deal(I've been using the term "downtrade" as it's like going from what was sold to us as the ultimate TM and it was alos the highest priced TM available) and again on the water and cutting into my fishin' time.<br /><br />I agree the Genesis is really heavy-more than I expected. I think I lost a mile or two at top end. I also played around with differant props to compensate. Also It's profile is BIG and interfears with vision. I've adapted to those two negatives(also the steep price), but boy I'll sure miss the stow/depoly feature.<br /><br />I'm on the fence but leaning towards the downgrade offer. I think they will also throw in the "copilot" and a mounting plate if you press them.<br /><br />I did have a problem with the Genesis' auto pilot acting up last summer but it was under warrentee as no cost to fix. I'm not sure,however, that it is always on tract, especiallly when there are waves.<br /><br />All things considered, I guess I have to commend Minkota for not just leaving us fend for ourseleves. <br /><br />What to do? What to do?<br /><br />STillFishin'


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Yeah, SF. I went through the change of base plates, too. Was smart enough to save the quick change base for the AP, though.<br /><br />Gonna study the circuitry for the Genesis foot controller to see how easy it might be to make a hand controller for it that I could clamp to my bow rail and eliminate the foot controller altogether. It already has more hand/finger controls on it than foot controllable functions, anyway.<br /><br />If I can do that, I will send MK the foot controller and try to get them to toss a Copilot in with a new AP. Then when/if the Genesis croaks I will simply swap TMs and sell the Genesis to someone for parts.<br /><br />If I can't do it, I think I will keep the Genesis and buy a set of spare boards, etc.<br /><br />That plan may change with my mood. Stay tuned. :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 9, 2002
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

I'm a little disappointed to learn MK is nixing the genesis. I was hoping to buy one in the spring but will now have to rethink my alternatives. Yes, they are a little pricey but then again there are many value added features which may justify the cost if you were purchasing everything seperate. Since everybody puts a different value on things such as auto stow & deploy, AP, trim, universal sonar, etc. I can see where it would be one of the harder sellers for the folks at MK.<br /><br />How is MK handling distribution of their current genisis inventory? If I parted with many sheckles only to find it was discontinued, I would be VERY upset.

John Nutter

Seaman Apprentice
Oct 3, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

AS I posted I think back in Oct. about this subject,the Genesis motors are going away and I feel IMHO that Minn-Kota is being more than fair with their offer to swap out these motors(they don't even ask if it is still under warranty) with a brand new motor with a full three year warranty.You will have to cut off the coil cord,the power cord from the control board to the foot pedal and return all of the above with the foot pedal.<br /> Now as to why it is in your best intrest to take the trade,Money!!! 3 months ago the foot pedal was $220.00 today that same pedal is $300.00 the control board is now over $350.00 and these prices will only get higher as they buy less and less parts.<br /> If you choose the AP/PD motor they will give you the Co-Pilot and quick release plates if you will only ask.<br />I think you should really thank them for not keeping quite and letting it die and saving themselves lots and lots of money,but they choose to look out for their customers first and get you out of a bad situation that at this point in time both you and they are very deep in. It may not help your feelings to loose part of your investment but some of you are going to trade in motors that are out of warranty but they are still going to give you a new motor.They are willing to take the huge loss to protect their future standing as a top notch quality company to do business with.As for me I am proud to rep. a company with this much INTEGRITY in todays world of business's where most are trying to take all they can at your expence.I have made about 10 or 12 trades for customers on these so far, and I will be glad to assist any of you with yours if you like just give me a call or e-mail.<br />1-800-930-7335 or e-mail


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Thanks for the refresher, Reelman.<br /><br />I think you just made up my mind for me. :)


Mar 17, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Thanks for the input Reelman. Good to hear from the MinKota side. I suppose I agree they are doing all they can do to keep us happy but after really debating to spend the big bucks for a TM with features no other even come close to, it is a big disappointment to have to take a step back. I'm sure MK didn't like discontinuing the Genesis but they are in business to make money and if they thought this was the best way out, they stepped up to the plate the best they could.<br /><br />However, I'm a little miffed that there is no mention of this program on the ML website and in fact there are still have some Genesis models available on there. What's up with that? As PAKev said above, he was thinking about getting one. Also they could have sent registered owners a notice about the plans. Instead, KM left it for us to find out on our own. Im sure many people who own Genesis don't even know yet. In my case, it would have made a differance to me to know about the program when first offered as I could have brought the unit back from upnorth last fall and had the new unit mounted and ready to go in the spring. As it is, I'll have to wait until my first trip up and then bring the parts to sent in, then haul the new unit back up and mount it over the water cutting into my fishing and vacation time. This is because I have a cabin with the only access to it is by water(no road) and everything has to come in by boat. Also the Tech at MN, gave me the impression that this progam will not last long and she had to talk to her supervisor to get permission to let me do the trade in the spring.<br /><br />I suppose I shouldn't be ticked off but I am. Extra work only to windup with a lesser TM. <br />However, thanks to MK for making the offer for those who find out about the program. <br /><br />StillFishin'


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Well, I finally decided to take the offer, but I have Emailed MK twice and gotten no response. :( <br /><br />I will try calling them.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 8, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

I just bought a new PowerDrive. It was recommended over the Genesis because apparently they've been having quite a few problems with the Genesis.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

The only problem with the Genesis is that they haven't sold enough to justify making them. I know of no breakdowns.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

I was just wondering guys if there is anyway to fabricate them to fit a power gator mount.<br />I know, I know, that's Motorguide, but it does the same thing I think.<br />Lifts and stows the trolling motor.<br />Just don't know if the MK would fit it or not.


Mar 17, 2003
Re: Genesis Owners-what are you going to do?

Hey SBN, thanks for bring this up again.<br /><br />I can't help you with any mods to MG but I wouldn't think you could do much. If you have working Gensis what more would you want??<br /><br />I've been thinking about giving MK a call about my trade in(down) and may do it next week.<br /><br />StillFishin'