Gel Seal 2 question for Johnson 1978 235hp rebuild


Aug 13, 2011
I gel sealed my block today. The spray activator I used was a couple years old. I couldn't find anything as for information as a expiration date on this stuff but wanted some thoughts on this as well. Second is that I confused my torque specs when torquing the block. So I torqued it to 10 ft lbs originally, and then two and half hours later found the right torque specs of 20 ft lbs and re-torqued them to the correct specs. I didn't realize they were called main bearing bolts and confused them with the lower bearing for some reason from the way the manual was set up. So I now have a different issue and have to replace the lower bearing plate. But basically is the gel seal going to hold? The gel seal I used was loctite 518 and is brand new.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
The gel seal is for use between the two crankcase halves. Not sure what you mean by the lower bearing plate, but if you mean the lower crank head, it does not get gel sealed. Regular Bombardier gasket sealing compound will work.


Aug 13, 2011
The manual actually stated to use gel seal 2 on the 4 bolts for the bearing on the lower crank head. It didn't say to use the primer for the gel seal on the bolts either. However, On the next page it does state to use the gel seal and the primer on the crank halves.
I did take apart the two halves again just to be sure. The gel seal was fine and perfectly intact on the one side of the crank case. The side that the primer was not applied to came off clean. Everything stuck to the primer side like it was supposed too. At least this is what I assume since the directions state to apply the primer to one side of the crankcase halves only and apply the gel seal 2 to the other.
As for the lower bearing plate on the lower crank head, I stripped one of the threads out. So I had to pull it. I had another person recommend to just redo the seal since the activator was old and the torque specs were not correct in the beginning. This website double posted this question. So its two different threads now. Oh well. I ordered a new plate and will get it all straight when I get the new part. I just hope I have enough Loctite 518 left to do the job. Nobody in my area stocks the stuff.