Gel Battery - Charging System OK? 94 70 HP Evinrude


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 20, 2009
So I have a shiny new gel battery that I got for almost nothing. In reading about them, I see they are picky about how they are charged. Does anyone know if the charging system on a 94 Evinrude 70 HP will fry a Gel Battery?

The battery is an Alpha Cell 165. here is a link to it's specs.^^^Brochure&lg=^^^English


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 26, 2011
Re: Gel Battery - Charging System OK? 94 70 HP Evinrude

Gel cell batteries do not like to be overcharged, looks like you gathered that.
The datasheet for your battery states a floating charge voltage 13.5V - 13.8V.
Once the battery is fully charged, one should limit the charging voltage to those values, or the battery will loose water. On a gel cell battery the water can not be replenished, and this will lead to premature aging of the battery.
Regular (flooded cell) batteries, even if they are called "sealed" or "maintenance free", they usually can be opened up and the water (electrolyte) level topped up.

Your motor has a rectifier/regulator unit. I would measure the voltage of the charging system while you cruise, and if the voltage is higher than the floating charge voltage of the battery (it probably will be higher) I would not use a SLA battery as it could be overcharged.

On this web-site there is a technical document on SLA batteries that is worthwhile to read:
Power Sonic Technical Section

Good luck, Peter
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