Gas Treatment during winter storage


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 13, 2007
I have a Yamaha 15 HP, 4-stroke. It's 3 years old now and each year I did not run the carburetor dry. This year, it was suggested, by my marina, to put a fuel additive in the gas (ethanol enhanced) and run it several times to insure the additive is in the carb, before putting it to bed for the winter.

This I have done. I won't be shrink wrapping it for a couple of more weeks (still plenty of fishing to be had yet), but a friend of mine said it's best to run the engine dry of gas instead of leaving the gas in the carb. Now I'm confused - which is it - gas in or gas out during the winter? I remove the portable gas tank and I do have a 10 micron water filter attached outside the engine. Thanks for your input.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Gas Treatment during winter storage

either way is good,


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Gas Treatment during winter storage

In my view, treated fuel in the carb means there is no air in there to cause varnish to form. If the carb is empty, the jets, float bowl, float, inlet needle and seat are all exposed to air. Besides, running the engine out of gas does not really run the engine out of gas. There is still a bit in the float bowl.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 14, 2006
Re: Gas Treatment during winter storage

That's one I've wrestled with too, Crestliner. I've got a 2004 Yammy 90 4 stroke. All other years I went with treated fuel in the carbs on this and any other boat we've owned. This year the ethanol mania was at such a fevered pitch around our lake (my Yamaha dealer actually switched to premium fuel at their pumps to be rid of ethanol -- only Shell brand that is around here...) that I decided to try to empty the engine.

I pinched off the fuel line (doesn't disconnect) and ran the motor dry. Then I opened the float bowl drains for all four carbs and let that run out. Then I shot some storage seal spray in the carbs and in each cylinder and turned it over a few times. Finally, I emptied the internal water trap of all fuel and put a little storage seal in there too. The tank is full and stabilized. In the future I might try to empty that too but what a PITA that will be.

Let you know how it worked out in the spring!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Gas Treatment during winter storage

The fuel treatment works just fine.