Gas shortage problem


Aug 12, 2013
I just recently bought a 2004 Centurion ski boat. The boat had been in storage for 2 years. When I got it home it was difficult to get it started. It would hit and then quit. I finally got it running and took it to the ramp and put it in. The boat ran for a couple of minutes and then cut off. I could not get it re-started so I shut it off and took it to a dealer. He replaced the impella and said I was good to go. The boat ran a little better but at full throttle will die down. with luck you can get it to go again but sometimes it resorts back to the turning over and hitting but never catching up. The serial number is om396249. I highly suspect that the low pressure fuel pump is bad. It feeds gas into the water separator/filter. If I remove the filter and put a jar under the housing and turn the key on. The pump will fire up but very little gas comes out of the housing. It seems to me that it should pump continuously because there is no pressure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Gas shortage problem

I just recently bought a 2004 Centurion ski boat. The boat had been in storage for 2 years. When I got it home it was difficult to get it started. It would hit and then quit. I finally got it running and took it to the ramp and put it in. The boat ran for a couple of minutes and then cut off. I could not get it re-started so I shut it off and took it to a dealer. He replaced the impella and said I was good to go. The boat ran a little better but at full throttle will die down. with luck you can get it to go again but sometimes it resorts back to the turning over and hitting but never catching up. The serial number is om396249. I highly suspect that the low pressure fuel pump is bad. It feeds gas into the water separator/filter. If I remove the filter and put a jar under the housing and turn the key on. The pump will fire up but very little gas comes out of the housing. It seems to me that it should pump continuously because there is no pressure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ayuh,.... Welcome Aboard,.... Probably Crap in the tank,...

Plumb up a remote tank to the filter housin', as it's supposed to be Before the pump, rather than After the pump,...

If it runs on the remote tank, clean out, 'n fix yer's,..