I bet your 96' has electronic ignition, BIM coils. BIM coils are NLA, but I've heard Standard Magneto out of Chicago can make replacements. When I had a BIM coil die, I converted over to the CDI ignition, (instead of replacing 1 bad BIM coil and waiting for the other to die...) 2 BIM coils are about the same price of the CDI upgrade.
I've had a 89 Gamefisher (Force) 7.5HP outboard for 5-6 years and it's been great. (Same thing as the 15HP, just de-tuned.) The only issue I had with it was one of the BIM coils died and it put a damper on 1 trip. The outboard still ran, just at 1/2 power. It's never left me stranded,,,,, except for the last trip where I forgot to fill up on gas and ran out of fuel :facepalm:

Trolled back to the marine on the electric. Other than that it's just been normal maintenance, fuel pump rebuild, plugs, impellers, gas and oil.