I am in need of a new fishfinder and have the opportunity to buy a FCV-600L from a friend that<br />is upgrading to a new Furuno combo unit. He will sell it to me for $350.00. I will be using the<br />unit mostly on Lake Superior for salmon fishing. Generally will be in less than 150' of water. <br />Will this unit get the job done?<br /><br />Unit is 1 yr. old and in excellent condition. I will have to buy a new transducer and would <br />appreciate any recomendations. Speed is not necessary as I have a GPS that gives excellent <br />speed. If the unit only indicates surface temperature I don't need that either as you never find<br />fish on the surface anyway. Can anyone tell me what the best transom mount transducer <br />would be without speed and temp? Model number??<br />Thanks,<br />BUCK