Funny But He's Stupid


Nov 17, 2001
Well I thought Id tell you a story that happened this week. I guy that has just started flying ultralights comes in to ask me a question. His hand and arm are huge and swollen up. I asked what happened to him. He said he got bit by a rattle snake. I asked how did that happen? He said he was driving from where he kept his ultralight to his home and saw a rattle snake crossing the road and turned around. He said he loves to eat them and wanted to take it home. So he catches it and is holding it and decides not to cut its head off cause he does not want blood all over him or his new to him car (piece of **** junker). So he decides he will just hold it till he gets home. So he drives over thirty min. holding a live rattle snake. He gets to his house and shows it to someone before getting out of his car. Then he reaches into his pocket to get his house keys and some how must have lost his grip on the head and the snake after thirty min. turns and gets one fang in the guys hand. <br />This guy said it was the most "white hot" kind of pain that he has ever had. So now he is still holding on to the snake and he still wants to keep it so he opens the trunk and there is a bucket with a lid. He opens the bucket and throws the snake in it and closes the lid. He says he was starting to hurt real bad and gets into the car and drives to the hospital. He tells me he does not remember the twelve mile drive to the hospital. But when he gets to the hospital parking lot the transmisson on the car quits so he leaves it in the middle of the parking lot and goes into the e.r. He passes out when he walks in for a bit and they start working on him. He comes too and they ask him what happened? He said I got rattle snake bit. They ask how do you know its a rattle snake and he says he justs knows and it you dont believe him that he brought it with him. They say thats great you killed the snake and now we can make sure. He says no I did not kill it, Its in the trunk of my car and is still alive. <br />So the nurses call the police and they push the car into a parking space. Open the trunk and get the bucket out of the trunk. Then after twenty min. of the cops trying to see who was going to open the bucket they finely get the lid off. (Its dark outside by this time) Every time they shine the light into the bucket the snake strikes at them. After awhile they find a steel rod in the guys trunk they kill the snake. <br /><br />I wish you could have heard this guy tell the story cause he is one South Alabama REDNECK! :)


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

:D .... Did the cops let him keep the snake for supper?..... :D


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

:D ....Did the cops use the steel rod on him?..... :D


Nov 17, 2001
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

They should have used the rod on him for shure! Guess after three days in the hospital the snake was no good Snapper? 27 units of anti-venom. If I had not seen his arm and hand Id have never believed this story.<br /><br />And I thought Id done some stupid stuff before.... I maybe dumb.. But I aint that stupid!! :)


Jul 12, 2002
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

They should really have some sort of Medical evaluation for ultra-light pilots. Geeze if you were this stupid the DME would never give a pilot his class 3 medical. These ultra-light pilots are a black eye for aviation.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2002
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

Sounds like flying ultralights should be right up his alley.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

Ummm..why didnt he get a BAMBALANCE?<br /><br />Who gets the snake, him or the dog?<br /><br /> :D :D <br /><br />Ken


Jul 31, 2002
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

Originally posted by KenImpZoom:<br /> Ummm..why didnt he get a BAMBALANCE?<br /><br />Who gets the snake, him or the dog?<br /><br /> :D :D <br /><br />Ken
lmao....I just played that for a girl here at work last week....I'm in M-Fr*(&(O phone booth!

Dave Abrahamson

May 8, 2003
Re: Funny But He's Stupid

Originally posted by SLOOPY:<br /> They should really have some sort of Medical evaluation for ultra-light pilots. Geeze if you were this stupid the DME would never give a pilot his class 3 medical. These ultra-light pilots are a black eye for aviation.
WOW! Don't sugar coat it Sloop :eek: tell us how ya really feel ;) <br />How are ya gonna feel about the new crop of LSA pilots coming up?