I'll stand by my assertion. It's based on experience. Not belief.
No one is forcing you or anyone else to deviate from what you want to do. if you are going to resort to name calling to get your point across, This is where I'll exit, stage right.
What name calling? Ignorance? Irresponsible? Better look at the definitions/usage.
Ignorance - Merriam-Webster Online
Ignorance - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
noun \ˈig-n(ə-)rən(t)s\. : a lack of knowledge, understanding, or education
Irresponsible - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
Definition of irresponsible : If you're irresponsible , you're careless about the consequences of your actions.
Both are a precise fit here because you want this entire forum to accept as fact that your non-use of a fuel stabilizer without any physical testing to establish whether degradation to your stored gasoline has occurred is conclusive evidence that all fuel stabilizers are 'snake oil'. The fact that you didn't have any noticeable fuel related problems doesn't prove there wasn't any fuel degradation or that any level of degradation that may have occurred wouldn't have had some effect on some engine operation parameter, if not for you then for others who have different powerplants. Who should we put more faith in, some anonymous guy making unsubstantiated statements on the internet or a major marine manufacturer with research, engineering and development expertise. This is a no brainer.
In my opinion it is better that you are out of this one.