Hi, I have a electic fuel pump on my merc 305 carbed engine. Ive been having electrical problems, but have cleaned most of it up i think. The engine turns over, but when I stop, the fuel pump is usually on for a few seconds more. It never comes on and the engine does not start. I took a almost drained battery and hooked it up breifly. It ran and when I tried the engine again. It started for a couple of seconds. I took out my DMM and checked the connections. they seem good. I turned the engine over and checked to see if I have volts going to the fuel pump. Yes, it crested around 11volts. Should be 12. I checked the ground. I got a solid 12.2. <br /><br />Where should I look for further problems that would cause the fuel pump not to get enough power?<br /><br />Thanks <br />Mike