Somebody let me know if I am on the Right track<br />I recently replaced all my fuel connections from the motor to fuel tank, also the fuel line. I added a quick connect on the fuel tank like the one on the motor. Before, It was just a straight through connection (hose into a barbed 90 degree fitting). The fuel pickup is just a piece of 3/8" copper tubing. now the problem. When I run at 3/4 to wide open throttle the engine will suck the fuel bulb closed. All vents work and no plugging in the tank. When this happens it takes a long time for the bulb to pop back out even when you try and force it. Usually I have to disconnect the lines. What I was going to do was go back to the straight connection at the tank. Is this the right thing to do and why does the configuration I have now not work.<br />Thanks <br />Will